Mike Greco connects Minnesota local government agencies with the resources, research, and talent at the University of Minnesota

Mike Greco, AICP
Cofounder and Director
Resilient Communities Project
University of Minnesota
RCP’s Twitter: @RCPumn

How did you first learn about EPIC-N?
Attended first “SCYP Replication Workshop” (precursor to the annual EPIC-Network Conference conference) in Eugene in 2012
What are some of the top priorities you are working on this year?
Finding external funding to reduce the cost to cities/counties to participate in our program, recruiting projects/partners
What led you to participate within the EPIC-Network in your current capacity?
I was asked to participate in a webinar about our Resilient Communities Project program at the University of Minnesota and our work developing resilience across the region.
What are you hoping attendees will take with them after attending your upcoming presentation?
That university-sponsored community-engaged projects, done well and collaboratively, can benefit all participants–communities, faculty, and students.
Mike Greco has more than a decade of experience connecting Minnesota local government agencies with the resources, research, and talent the University of Minnesota has to offer. He has a Master of Urban and Regional Planning degree from the U of MN’s Hubert H. Humphrey School of Public Affairs, with a specialization in environmental planning and sustainability, and a Master of Arts in Communication Studies from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Mike is a member of the American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP).