Program Spotlight: The Sustainable Cities Program at Indiana State University launches program, records 12 projects, and manages staff turnover

By: Marshall Curry and Ada Inman
EPIC-Network Program Spotlight: Two years ago, leaders at Indiana State University met with EPIC-N staff and board member Jane Rogan of the University of Indiana, Bloomington after learning about EPIC-N Programs in a workshop. In these meetings, Indiana State University leaders devised a plan to go from piloting the EPIC Model to a full launch within a desirable timeframe. After completing two additional 1-on-1 technical assistance appointments with EPIC-N staff, they put their plan into action. Even amidst staff turn over and the COVID-19 pandemic, the program launched their first partnership with the City of Sullivan, Indiana in 2020. Read more about their program.
Current relationships between city and university leaders helped initiate the partnership, but Indiana State University plans to partner with other communities soon. Read about their partnership with the City of Sullivan.
The Sustainable Cities Program Manager, Garrett Hurley, reported their EPIC Model program is showing signs of success. He has already entered multiple projects into the EPIC-N Member Commons Project Library for other members of EPIC-N to learn from and use as examples for their own communities. Find the Indiana State University projects.
Congrats to the Indiana State University team and their City of Sullivan partners!
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