Sustainable City Year Program: Active Transport on the Monterey Peninsula

Daniel Fernandez


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This study sought to assess the components necessary to improve the bikeway infrastructure of California cities to support the recommendations that a Fall 2019 Environmental Studies Capstone group made to the city of Pacific Grove. The recommendations include the implementation of more Class II bikeways throughout the city as they are an efficient and cost-effective bikeway that can have a positive impact to the local economy. Using the Sustainable City Year Spreadsheet of the incipient Sustainable City Year Program overseen by Dr. Dan Fernandez, we extracted data from city documents and other useful sources to compile a comprehensive dataset for many California cities to utilize. This spreadsheet was used to observe correlations between relevant categories like the presence of a climate action plan, the presence of a bikeway master plan, miles of bike or walking paths, and number of bike collisions to understand what components of city data are needed for the successful implementation of bikeway infrastructure. We were able to conclude that active transportation is correlated to a city’s commitment to the development of a climate action plan and with an increasing need to reduce carbon emissions, we recommend that the city of Pacific Grove improves its bike system by administering more Class II bike lanes in its bikeway master plan.

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