Green Cities


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As one of the Sustainable City Year (SCY) projects this year, Green Cities
students were asked to research, plan, and design environmentally friendly
re-use and redevelopment options for the Salem Housing Authority (SHA).
The Green Cities proposal approached development in Salem by organizing
research into two teams, one focusing on the Glen Creek housing development
site and one on the vacant Orchard Village housing site. Students working on the Glen Creek site examined agricultural land use
options, energy savings, improved connectedness with surrounding areas, and
options for increased density. Students working on the Orchard Village site
proposal incorporated sustainable development elements into their proposal
to optimize site, energy, water, and environmental use for future growth.
Additionally, each site was analyzed for potential development in relation to
transportation, sustenance, and waste needs.
Research was conducted using site visits, in-class discussions, meetings with
SHA representatives, and primary and secondary research.
Green Cities students suggested proposals, strategies, and technologies to
create sustainable communities on both SHA sites, and to provide a cuttingedge
template for future Salem development plans.

Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner.

Sustainable City Year Program Contact Info
Megan Banks
Sustainable City Year Program Manager
(541) 346-6395

University Faculty Contact
Robert Young
Planning, Public Policy and Management

Local Government / Community Contact
Linda Norris

City Manager

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