A Front Porch for Marquam Hill and Oregon Health & Science University


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During winter and spring terms 2018, graduate and undergraduate students in Professor Brook Muller’s terminal studio completed analytical research and urban design proposals for the Marquam Hill site. The urban design schemes encompassed a larger expanse – an east-west transect of southwest Portland that included the Willamette River, South Waterfront, Lair Hill, Barbur Boulevard (“the front porch to OHSU”), Terwilliger Parkway, and beyond. Students examined the implications of two proposed MAX line extensions located on either Southwest Naito Parkway or Southwest Barbur Boulevard, as well as the potential consequences to surrounding neighborhoods and the city in general.
Holistic design proposals for a highly complex project of enormous potential were developed by students in the studio class. Students were composed of an interdisciplinary group from architecture, urban design, transportation planning, landscape architecture, and
historic preservation

Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner.

Sustainable City Year Program Contact Info
Megan Banks
Sustainable City Year Program Manager
(541) 346-6395

University Faculty Contact
Brook Muller
Associate Professor

Local Government / Community Contact
Dave Aulwes
Senior Transit Corridor Design

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