Implementing a railroad quiet zone to improve community health in Marinette

Liz Bush


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Evidence-Based Decision-Making
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Project Lead Faculty
Liz Bush

Multiple studies have shown a relationship between railway noise and various health impacts, such as increased diastolic blood pressure, poor sleep quality, and increased incidence of certain childhood cancers.1 2 The City of Marinette, Wisconsin, located in Marinette County, has multiple railways in their city and train whistles that sound between 96-110 dBs have been reported as a cause for noise pollution that impacts daily lives, disrupting people’s health and quality of life. According to the 2023 Wisconsin County Health Rankings and Roadmaps, the county of Marinette is ranked amongst the worst in preventable health outcomes in comparison to the rest of the state, leaving residents more vulnerable to the adverse effects of railway noise.4 Due to these factors, establishing a Quiet Zone (QZ) in Marinette is an attractive solution to improve health and quality of life for residents.

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