Engaging Multidisciplinary Student Talent to Meet Agency Needs
October 7, 2020 | 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm CT
With a shrinking tax base, fewer resources, and the urgency of meeting public needs during the COVID crisis, many local agencies are overwhelmed. And while efforts to attract and develop the future workforce may be set aside for now, they don’t have to be. This webinar showcases a model for university/public agency partnerships that can both augment agency capacity and provide opportunities for student professional development and career exposure.
Join the NNTW Regional Transportation Workforce Centers for the 1st of a 4-part journey that explores how to achieve effective student career engagement and priority workforce development during the COVID pandemic and the long road to recovery ahead.
This session features the Montana State University CATS program, their local EPIC program.
Susan Gallagher, Director, West Region Transportation Workforce Center
Susanne Cowan, Professor, Montana State University School of Architecture
Larissa Morales, Grad Student, Montana State University School of Architecture
Danielle Hess, City of Bozeman Neighborhoods Coordinator
Registration – https://tinyurl.com/y4dq4e29
Learn about the other three parts of this series organized by the National Network for the Transportation Workforce here.