Impact Fee Policy Options Study


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The City of Tacoma has a long-standing policy interest in exploring the potential of an impact fee program. The City of Tacoma, like all jurisdictions, continuously works to stretch its transportation funding resources to meet the current and future needs as the City grows. Tacoma has been very effective leveraging limited funds to attract transportation grant funding from federal and state sources. More recently, the voters approved new funding for street maintenance which has begun to address that backlog. The next step in that positive trajectory is to develop a method to pool development resources to grow and improve Tacoma’s multi-modal capacity to handle increasing transportation needs as the City grows. An impact fee program could put Tacoma in a better position to attract and support jobs and housing consistent with its role as a metropolitan city and the downtown of the South Puget Sound region. The study will analyze the current needs and opportunities for Tacoma, lay out the legal and policy framework, assess a range of policy options, and conclude with recommendations.

Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner.

Livable City Year Contact Info
Teri Thomson Randall
Program Manager

University Faculty Contact

Local Government / Community Contact

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