Sustainable Tourism for Lenoir City


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The Lenoir City revitalization project has provided an interactive and unique opportunity for senior students in the Department of Retail, Hospitality, and Tourism management in the College of Education, Health and Human Sciences. These seniors are partnering with Loudon County Visitors Bureau to showcase their diverse skillset and talents by researching and compiling data to help create niche markets to stimulate tourism within the downtown district. Using a Volunteer Employed Photography method, the team of HRTM students are taking photographs of and around Lenoir City in order to critically analyze possible tourism markets that Lenoir City can utilize in future marketing plans. Furthermore, this team will participate in several improvisational and empathy workshops helping them communicate, collaborate, and listen holistically. Their end deliverables will be a sustainable tourism marketing plan, rack card, and photography portfolio highlighting their contributions as future tourism consultants proving that their acquired knowledge as undergraduate students goes beyond the classroom walls and into life-long partnerships. (Faculty Lead: Stephanie Benjamin / Lenoir City Lead: Rachel Baker)

Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner.

Smart Communities Initiative Contact Info

University Faculty Contact
Stephanie Benjamin
Retail, Hospitality and Tourism Management

Local Government / Community Contact
Rachel Baker

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