Nolanville Comprehensive Plan


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Project Lead Faculty

Comprehensive plans are “the central organizing umbrella under which other plans, regulations, and initiatives exist.” They typically have long-range planning horizons between 20 and 30 years. These public documents, along with relevant zoning maps, can be used to guide, support, and justify city land use and decision-making in the future. A comprehensive plan should include the overall vision for the community, as well as a plan for the physical growth, development, and preservation of the land. Furthermore, an inclusive comprehensive plan should envision future growth in the various fields of transportation, community facilities and infrastructure, economy, parks and open spaces, natural and cultural resources, and housing.

Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner.

Texas Target Communities Contact Info

University Faculty Contact
John Cooper
Landscape Architecture & Urban Planning

Local Government / Community Contact
Sallie Burchette

Planning Consultant

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