Assessing the link between climate change-induced weather events, heat-related illness, and the disproportional impacts experienced by low-SES communities in Milwaukee County

Exposure to extreme heat can cause a multitudeof adverse health impacts including heat cramps, heat exhaustion, heat stroke, andeven death. Because of the significant hazardsthat heat presents, it is important to determine thedistributionof these outcomes. Studying this distribution in Milwaukee County isespecially vital because of the stark health inequities that exist. Although difficult to measure, […]

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Understanding the social determinants of health and legislation

Access to healthcare is deeply linked with economic standing. Economic standing can be defined by a variety of factors. For the purpose of our project, we are defining economic standingby employment, debt, and income security. We believe this social determinant category to be significant because the disproportionate level of poverty minorities face, especially when analyzed […]

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Addressing racial disparities in Milwaukee County: Policy and program suggestions

Since the County Executive’s declaration of racism as a public health crisis in 2019, Milwaukee County has taken steps, such as creating this project, towards understanding how the county has historically contributed to the racial disparities still persisting in the community as well as how these issues can be rectified. This document details some findings/suggestions […]

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Eliminating Single Use Plastics in Egg Harbor, Wisconsin

Door County is a peninsula surrounded by Lake Michigan, one of the most essentialbodies of water in the United States. Plastic and styrofoam pollution has been an increasingproblem over the past few decades. It is imperative for coastal municipalities to advocate for thehealth of the Great Lakes, and this can be accomplished in part through […]

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Village of Egg Harbor State Highway 42 Reconstruct

Students evaluate ways to reconstruct highway 42 inorder to sustainably build infrastructure in Egg Harbor. The reconstruction would include safe bike lines to encourage bike riding and reduce carbon emmissions. The highway would also include baisins to catch runoff and treat it before depositing into Green Bay. […]

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Alternative Energy Solutions for the Egg Harbor Wastewater Treatment Plant

The Egg harbor wastewater treatment plant’s energy use was deemed ineffective so students were tasked with finding alternative source of energy for the plant. They proposed a Water Source Heat Pump using waste water effluent. UniverCity Year Contact Info Gavin Luter Managing Director 608-261-1141 […]

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Exploring equity and climate change in Milwaukee County

This research papers provides an analysis of the housing distribution within the city of Milwaukee and how minority groups are at a more significant disadvantage health wise. Climate change, redlining, and fossil fuel burning were among the most notable reasons as to why these health differences exist. This projected conducted in partnership with the Milwaukee […]

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Evidence Based Practices in Prisoner Reentry: What Does the Research Say?

This project is an exploration of evidence-based reentry research, resources, and areas for growth. The following resource was completed by students in UW Madison Psych Senior Capstone “Issues in Prisoner Reentry” provided by Dr. Patti Coffey in collaboration with Brown County & the UniverCity Alliance project. Students explored issues related to 1) the impact of […]

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