Western Washington University

Sustainable Communities Partnership Website | www.wwu.edu/scp The Sustainable Communities Partnership (SCP) program focuses on the issues that communities face as our society transitions to a more sustainable future. SCP facilitates a program in which Western students carry out community-engaged learning projects to address challenges identified by the partner.  Through SCP, students work with faculty experts to generate […]

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University of Wisconsin

University of Wisconsin-Madison - 2020 Outstanding Program Award Finalist

UniverCity Year Website | univercity.wisc.eduTwitter | @UWUniverCity Newsletter | Subscribe Here UniverCity Year is a three-phase partnership between UW-Madison and one community in Wisconsin. The concept is simple. The community partner identifies projects that would benefit from UW-Madison expertise. Faculty from across the university incorporate these projects into their courses, and UniverCity Year staff provide […]

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University of Washington

Livable City Year Website |www.washington.edu/livable-city-year Livable City Year (LCY) links University of Washington students and faculty with a Washington city, county, tribe, or special district, engaging faculty and students across the university to address the community partner’s sustainability and livability goals. The program helps its community partners accomplish critical projects in an affordable way while […]

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University of Tennessee, Knoxville

Smart Communities Initiative Website | sci.utk.edu The Smart Communities Initiative (SCI) is founded on the idea that the University of Tennessee, Knoxville and state communities should work together to improve the health and vitality of their areas. Through the leveraging of interdisciplinary research and scholarship, community dialogue, human capacity, and innovation, SCI participants collaborate toward the […]

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University of St. Thomas, Minnesota

Sustainable Communities Partnership Website | www.stthomas.edu/osi/scp The Sustainable Communities Partnership (SCP) collaborates with cities and government agencies to integrate community-identified sustainability projects into St. Thomas courses across disciplines engaging students in real-world, applied research and innovative problem-solving. Our partnerships seek to catalyze systems-level change towards human and ecological well-being in the Twin Cities area while preparing […]

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University of South Florida

Community Sustainability Partnership Program Website |www.usf.edu/engagement/cspp The Community Sustainability Partnership Program (CSPP, pronounced “cusp“) is administered through the Office of Community Engagement and Partnerships at the University of South Florida (USF), a leader in initiating change towards improving Florida’s future. CSPP allows communities to provide leadership through sustainability and livability. CSPP harnesses USF resources, faculty […]

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University of South Carolina Beaufort

Students Connected Website | www.uscb.edu/studentsconnected/ Students Connected is a university-wide program that aims to develop the values that inspire students to contribute to the needs of their community, enrich the student learning experience through experiential research and service-learning opportunities across disciplines, improve collaboration with community partners, and ultimately transform our campus culture. These goals are reflected in […]

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University of Oregon

Sustainable City Year Program Website |sci.uoregon.edu/sustainable-city-year-program The Sustainable City Year Program (SCYP) harnesses the innovation and energy of University of Oregon students and faculty to provide ideas that will address critical projects, and support progressive and sustainable initiatives. This working relationship puts university talent to work to strengthen Oregon communities Our work addresses sustainability issues […]

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University of Mississippi

University of Mississippi - 2020 Outstanding Program Award Finalist

M Partner Website | mpartner.olemiss.edu M Partner aligns university resources with community priorities to improve quality of life. The McLean Institute for Public Service and Community Engagement has adapted the national EPIC model to best suit the dynamics of campus and community partners. The EPIC Model, which stands for Educational Partnerships for Innovation in Communities, creates […]

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University of Minnesota

Resilient Communities Project Website |rcp.umn.edu Communities are constantly evolving in response to their unique local challenges and opportunities. The Resilient Communities Project (RCP) is an award-winning, cross-disciplinary program at the University of Minnesota designed to build community resilience—the capacity to adapt and thrive in the face of changing social, economic, technological, and environmental conditions. Our […]

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