EPIC Africa Learning Event 2025

The EPIC Africa Learning Meeting was an immersive two-day event held on February 13–14, 2025, at the Future Africa Campus of the University of Pretoria, South Africa. This event served as a key initiative of the EPIC Africa Network. The EPIC‑N framework leverages participatory approaches to connect universities, local authorities, and communities in addressing urban […]

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2024 EPIC-Network Conference | Save the Date and Call for Proposals

When: June 23-25, 2024 Where: Southern Illinois University Edwardsville Join us for this gathering of university representatives, local government officials, and organizational partners who are interested in adopting, adapting, and/or enhancing the EPIC Model for their institutions and communities. This conference and workshop will energize and inspire you to take full advantage of how the […]

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Nadia Voigt da Mata developed the “Keokuk Pathways and Green Streets Plan” as a student at the University of Iowa

Nadia Voigt da Mata is an Architect and an Urban Planner currently in Angola. She is a Fulbright Alumni who in 2020 graduated with a master’s degree in Urban and Regional Planning in the School of Planning and Public Affairs at the University of Iowa. During graduate school, Nadia concentrated her course studies in transportation planning, which led her to be involved with Keokuk’s city and the “Keokuk Pathways and Green Streets Plan”. Nadia is currently invested in pursuing a doctoral degree, for which she secured a Merit Scholarship from the Angolan Government in September 2021. She hopes to continue learning and conducting research in sustainable transportation planning, and in the future work with communities such as Keokuk. […]

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Shelley Oltmans facilitated over 20 projects tied to economic and community development

Shelley Oltmans is an Industry Specialist with Iowa State University Extension and Outreach in the department of Community and Economic Development. In this position she also serves as the Executive Director of the Keokuk Area Chamber of Commerce. She is a proud alumna of Iowa State University, where she received a Master in Community and Regional Planning and Master of Science in Sustainable Agriculture. In her Industry Specialist position, she teaches community leadership and facilitates local and regional planning efforts with nonprofits and local governments. Her strengths are partnering with government entities and nonprofits to collaborate in providing educational and economic development opportunities. As the director of the Chamber of Commerce she is highly involved in catalyzing reinvestment in housing and the built environment. […]

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Dr. Jerry Anthony strongly advocates for community engagement, and loves participating in IISC’s efforts

Dr. Jerry Anthony is an architect and urban planner. He is an accomplished scholar. His article, “The effect of Florida’s Growth Management Act on Housing Affordability,” was named one of most outstanding articles published in the Journal of the American Planning Association in 20 years. He was named a HUD Urban Scholar in 2001. Dr. Anthony is an outstanding teacher. He has received the “Excellence in Planning Education” award from the Iowa chapter of the American Planning Association—one of only two educators in Iowa to be ever given this award. In 2003, Dr. Anthony co-founded a non-profit entity, Housing Trust Fund of Johnson County, to provide a new source of funding for affordable housing development in Johnson County, Iowa. In 2019, Dr. Anthony was awarded the University of Iowa’s prestigious Michael J. Brody award for Excellence in Service. In 2020, Dr. Anthony was named a Fellow of the American Institute of Certified Planners. […]

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Jaimie Hicks Masterson stands in support of local communities inspiring participating students

Jaimie Hicks Masterson stands in support of local communities inspiring participating students

Jaimie Hicks Masterson, AICP is Director of Texas Target Communities at Texas A&M University, a high-impact service-learning program that works alongside underserved communities to plan for resilience. Based on this work, in 2019, the Liberty County Strategic Plan received the national Silver Planning Achievement Award from the American Planning Association. She is author of “Planning for Community Resilience: A Handbook for Reducing Vulnerabilities to Disasters,” which focuses on hazard mitigation strategies and tools for government officials, planners, and emergency managers that can be incorporated pre-disaster. She is the engagement coordinator Institute for Sustainable Communities and the Plan Integration for Resilience Scorecard project funded by the Department of Homeland Security and a part of the Center for Coastal Resilience at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. […]

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Forrest Williams connects his student experience to his local government career to develop comprehensive plan

Forrest Williams Community Development DirectorCity of Caldwell, Texasfwilliams@caldwelltx.govOffice: 979.567.3271 EXT. 107Instagram: @caldwelltexasForrest’s LinkedIn Favorite Place Davidson Creek Park is my favorite place in Caldwell, I enjoy taking my dogs on walks in the park and going on a nice run around the park and throughout town. Davidson Creek Park in a 95 acre park in […]

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Amanda Torres plans with resilience in mind following her partnership with Texas A&M’s Texas Target Communities

Amanda Torres, MPA, CFM Senior City Planner,City of Corpus Christi – Planning Division, TexasAmandaT@cctexas.com Favorite Place My favorite places around Corpus Christi and Rockport are its bayfront areas. Both are iconic places loved by locals and tourists alike. Who doesn’t love a water view? How did you first learn about EPIC-N? I learned about EPIC-N […]

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Bonita C. Johnson fosters the integration of environmental justice, climate justice, and equity in EPA programs while mentoring participating US EPA interns

Bonita C. Johnson, MS-MPA is a senior physical scientist in the Water Division of Region 4 in Atlanta,
GA. Bonita has established 58 academic-community partnership projects in EPA Regions 4, 6, and 7
through her service in the EPA College/Underserved Community Partnership Program (CUPP). In 2021,
she completed 24 academic-community partnership projects and provided underserved communities
comprised of approximately 549,963 residents with access to multiple avenues of support from academic
institutions to address environmental, economic, and social issues that impact their quality of life. Her
current portfolio includes facilitating her CUPP initiated collaborative partnership projects for communities
with environment justice concerns in North Port St. Joe, Florida; Africatown, Alabama; and the
Gullah/Geechee Nation of St. Helena Island, South Carolina. These coastal communities share common
issues including storm surges and hurricanes, flooding, uninhabitable houses and businesses, adverse
environmental impacts from industries, air and water quality concerns, erosion and sea level rise, and
loss of economy. Bonita also serves as the Water Division Environmental Justice Co-Lead, and Co-Chair
of the Federal Interagency Working Group (IWG) on Environmental Justice, Regional IWG Committee
that works collaboratively with committee members from federal agencies to promote and implement
innovative and comprehensive solutions to address environmental justice issues; to develop partnerships
with academic institutions to assist in providing long-term technical assistance to overburdened
communities; and to foster a coordinated approach to delivering federal support and technical assistance
to improve local community sustainability. […]

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Jason Sutedja analyzes examples of urban planning, environmental justice, and resilience in the EPIC-N Project Database via the US EPA internship

Jason Sutedja is pursuing a Sociology B.A. and a Public Affairs B.A. at University of California, Los Angeles. Jason is looking forward to expanding my knowledge on sustainable urban planning, environmental justice, and resilience while working alongside EPA Office of Research and Development reviewing and analyzing the EPIC-N Project Database. […]

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