Connie Frey Spurlock builds stronger communities in Southern Illinois

Dr. Connie Frey Spurlock is a sociologist committed to dismantling hierarchies of oppression and building in their place flourishing relationships. She does this work by centering community-identified goals with meaningful learning experiences for area students. Frey Spurlock is founding director of the SIUE Successful Communities Collaborative, a cross-disciplinary program based on the EPIC-N model, an award-winning university-community partnership program that works to advance the needs of communities while training the next generation workforce and leadership. SSCC develops and supports partnerships between SIUE and local communities to advance resilience and sustainability. She is also a member of the SIUE TRHT Campus Center, which seeks to prepare the next generation of leaders to confront racism and dismantle the belief in a hierarchy of human value. She has been at SIUE since 2004 and is also an associate professor of sociology. Her research and teaching interests center on sustainability, research methods, and community engagement. […]

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Steve Russell seeks to share resources and learn together to improve the world

Steve Russell is the Program Manager of Project Cities, an initiative of the Sustainable Cities Network at Arizona State University. Russell holds a Master’s Degree in Public Administration and Bachelor’s Degrees in Sociology and Interdisciplinary Studies, also from ASU. His most recent professional roles include directing the local food program at the nation’s largest coalition of local businesses, Local First Arizona, and launching a carbon management and urban forestry pilot program for ASU. […]

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Kristofer Patrón-Soberano creates eye-opening experiences for local government leaders and university students

Kristofer Patrón-Soberano is the Programs’ manager for SDSU’s Center for Regional Sustainability and program administrator for the Sage Project. He is an economist from the Autonomous University of Sinaloa, Mexico, but turned green by completing his master’s degree in environmental management at El Colegio de la Frontera Norte (El Colef) in Tijuana. His research focused on the economic valuation of natural resources, binational collaboration and US-Mexico governance. After earning his degree, he continued working at El Colef as coordinator of border projects. […]

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Maria Dahmus develops novel ways to engage the public with community-university partnership projects

Maria Dahmus, Ph.D. is the co-founder and director of the Sustainable Communities Partnership (SCP) in the Office of Sustainability Initiatives at the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, Minnesota. Maria develops and implements the strategic vision for SCP, from multi-year partnerships and project development to daily operations. In 2017, Maria created SCP Arts. […]

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Ilona Ballreich advocating for the entire network and their communities

Ilona Ballreich is the program manager of the Sustainable Communities Collaborative (SCC), a program of the Sustainability Institute at Penn State. Ilona works closely with faculty, students, and community partners to ensure meaningful, experiential student projects focused on the sustainability needs of the community. […]

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Eric L. Ewell working to reinvigorate lost and forgotten communities and people

Eric has worked with youth and adults helping to enrich their lives and produce better outcomes for all. Eric currently serves as the Director of Continuing Education and Co-Facilitator of the Mon Valley Launchbox for Penn State Greater Allegheny. […]

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Aaron Whigham restoring Hope in Pennsylvania

Aaron Whigham Director of Strategic InitiativesChancellor’s Officeamw36@psu.edu412-675-9093On LinkedIn Favorite Thing about My Community My favorite thing about our community is the grit and heart of the people. What was your first interaction with a school-community partnership project?  The first intentional action was a series of analytical meetings we had with the local ministerial community and […]

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Kif Scheuer and CivicSpark – Friends of the EPIC-Network

Kif Scheuer Program DirectorCivicSparkLocal Government Commissionkscheuer@lgc.org916-448-1198 x312 (O)415-717-4809 (C) On LinkedIn Favorite Place Pt. Reyes is an amazing wild space with a wonderful combination of coast, hills, nature, and community What was your first interaction with a school-community project and the impact it had on you? When I was first working in the nonprofit space in 2007, I […]

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