Jeewasmi Thapa exploring best practices to achieve meaningful impact in communities.

Jeewasmi Thapa Program CoordinatorTexas Target Communities979.458.3121jthapa@arch.tamu.eduLinkedIn Favorite Place Downtown Bryan. It is a Texas Main Street gem and a success story of good planning that revitalized a declining downtown to a bustling and vibrant community hub, and it’s walkable! What was your first interaction with a school-community partnership project?  My first high impact service-learning project […]

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Gavin Luter leveraging teaching, research, and service to improve communities.

Gavin Luter Managing DirectorUniverCity Alliancegavin@cows.org608-261-1141 Favorite Place Walkability and bike friendliness are the things I love most about my community. It is pretty easy for me to get from downtown to Picnic Point, my favorite place in my community. How did you first learn about EPIC-N? In my previous job as Director of Wisconsin Campus […]

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Daniel Fernandez harnessing the power of higher education for communities

Daniel Fernandez CSUMB EPIC Program (SCYP) ManagerProfessorApplied Environmental ScienceCalifornia State University at Monterey 582-3786 Favorite Place So many things…  I do love the bike path along Monterey Bay.  I also love the studio where I practice Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (also known as Body Works) and I love the back country of Fort Ord, where […]

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Outstanding community partner award-winner Danielle Verwahren shares why she partnered with UW’s EPIC-N program LCY

Danielle VerwahrenManagement AnalystLivable City YearCity of Meet City of Bellevue, Washington’s Management Analyst Danielle Verwahren. She is the first ever recipient of the EPIC-N Outstanding Community Partner Award winner. In early 2020, Danielle shared about her EPIC-N experience in a Training Webinar and in a presentation to the City Council of Bellevue. Read on […]

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