Alternative Energy Solutions for the Egg Harbor Wastewater Treatment Plant

The Egg harbor wastewater treatment plant’s energy use was deemed ineffective so students were tasked with finding alternative source of energy for the plant. They proposed a Water Source Heat Pump using waste water effluent. UniverCity Year Contact Info Gavin Luter Managing Director 608-261-1141 […]

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Eliminating Single Use Plastics in Egg Harbor, Wisconsin

Door County is a peninsula surrounded by Lake Michigan, one of the most essentialbodies of water in the United States. Plastic and styrofoam pollution has been an increasingproblem over the past few decades. It is imperative for coastal municipalities to advocate for thehealth of the Great Lakes, and this can be accomplished in part through […]

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Village of Egg Harbor State Highway 42 Reconstruct

Students evaluate ways to reconstruct highway 42 inorder to sustainably build infrastructure in Egg Harbor. The reconstruction would include safe bike lines to encourage bike riding and reduce carbon emmissions. The highway would also include baisins to catch runoff and treat it before depositing into Green Bay. […]

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