Reducing Middle and High School Student Vaping in Adams County

Adams County has expressed concern with increasing vaping/E-cigarette use in middle and high school students. This proposal outlines a project which aims to lower the prevalence of vaping in Adams County teens. It will provide schools with educational tools on vaping, improve students and families’ knowledge of the dangers of vaping, and provide the community […]

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Expanding and Improving Child Care Opportunities in Adams County, Wisconsin Through Increased Inquiries and Hybrid Care models

Adams County Health and Human Services Department is a department of Adams County providing universal health protection for all the members of Adams County, as well as providing essential human services, providing resources to families. Relating to our project, the HHS specifically monitors child abuse and neglect, foster care, and most importantly acts as a […]

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Developing a Mental Health Resource Road Map for Adams County Health & Human Services

Adams County recently hired a new advanced practice nurse prescriber (APNP) into their Healthand Human Services (HHS) Department. The APNP is certified to prescribe medications forconsumers which makes her a valuable resource to the county as other mental health providerscannot. Due to the high demand of this service, the department needs to make decisionsregarding which […]

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Developing a mental health resource road map

A compilation of all services the county offers for alcohol/drug abuses, ACEs, and mental health services. Information contains distances to get there, the contact information, hours of operation, and the languages spoken in the facility. UniverCity Year Contact Info Gavin Luter Managing Director 608-261-1141 […]

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Addressing Obesity Rates in Adams County, Wisconsin

The most recent Community Health Needs Assessment in Adams County found that 33% of adults are considered obese. Obesity became a major goal of the current Community Health Improvement Plan. There are a variety of reasons for the high obesity rate including lack of access to fresh foods, no designated indoor physical activity space, and […]

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Implementing School-Based Primary Healthcare Clinic in Adams County

In the most recent Community Health Improvement Plan, Adams County (2017) identified access to healthcare as one of the major issues facing the community. The lack of resources and education surrounding healthcare in this 100% rural county has negatively affected the overall health of its citizens. Lack of access to healthcare and funding poses barriers […]

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Housing for Sober Living in Adams County

Adams County is a rural community located in central Wisconsin. The largest industriesin this county are agriculture and tourism. The county has identified Housing for Sober Living asa priority for residents, as many people with substance abuse disorders also experiencesignificant housing insecurity. Three potential interventions to address housing for sober livinghave been identified: the Oxford […]

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Raising Health Equity Awareness in Adams County, Wisconsin

According to the 2017-2022 Adams County Community Health Improvement Plan(CHIP) and local public health experts, health equity awareness is an identified priority healtharea central to increasing community engagement with public health initiatives and policies(Adams County Community Health Improvement Plan 2017-2022, 2017). This paper will outlinetwo proposals including an example of a social media-based and an […]

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Improving Career Exploration Opportunities for Adams-Friendship School District

Adams Friendship School District (AFSD) is looking to improve their career exploration program. Some of the main challenges faced within their current program include lack of student and teacher buy-in and lack of student exposure to diverse career options, due to their geographic location in a rural area in central Wisconsin. Both the middle and […]

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