Resilient Cities Initiative Website: The Resilient Cities Initiative (RCI) is an interdisciplinary applied research think-tank for cities and communities established by the Institute for Sustainable Development at California State University, Chico in 2016. The RCI connects real-world community sustainability projects – identified and funded by partner agencies – with faculty expertise and student innovation, […]
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Livable City Year Website | Livable City Year (LCY) links University of Washington students and faculty with a Washington city, county, tribe, or special district, engaging faculty and students across the university to address the community partner’s sustainability and livability goals. The program helps its community partners accomplish critical projects in an affordable way while […]
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Sustainable Communities Partnership Website | The Sustainable Communities Partnership (SCP) collaborates with cities and government agencies to integrate community-identified sustainability projects into St. Thomas courses across disciplines engaging students in real-world, applied research and innovative problem-solving. Our partnerships seek to catalyze systems-level change towards human and ecological well-being in the Twin Cities area while preparing […]
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Iowa Initiative for Sustainable Communities Website | The Iowa Initiative for Sustainable Communities (IISC) is a campus-wide community engaged learning organization located in the School of Planning and Public Affairs at the University of Iowa. We partner faculty, staff, and students with urban and rural communities to complete projects that enhance the sustainability of […]
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Sustaining Hoosier Communities Website | Indiana University’s Sustaining Hoosier Communities (SHC), an initiative of the Center for Rural Engagement forges partnerships between local communities and leaders and Indiana University’s faculty, staff, and students to enrich the health, prosperity, and vitality of our region. Through undergraduate and graduate courses—in disciplines including public health, information systems, public policy, arts […]
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