The Mississippi Watershed Management Organization (MWMO) has a library of graphics for stormwater best management practices. The MWMO uses these graphics on signs, flyers, and other communication materials for the public; these communication materials seek to engage the public in implementing stormwater best management practices to promote infiltration of water into the ground and prevent […]
Discipline: Journalism
Evaluating Stormwater Management Graphics
The Mississippi Watershed Management Organization (MWMO) has a library of graphics for stormwater best management practices. The MWMO uses these graphics on signs, flyers, and other communication materials for the public; these communication materials seek to engage the public in implementing stormwater best management practices to promote infiltration of water into the ground and prevent […]
Organizational Communication with Volunteers
The Freshwater Society’s (FWS) Master Water Stewards program (MWS) develops, certifies, and supports community volunteer leaders to manage stormwater at a neighborhood scale to improve water quality. FWS is wrapping up the third year of its partnership with the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District and is preparing to expand the MWS program to seven watershed districts […]
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Strategic Communication for Master Water Stewards
The Freshwater Society’s (FWS) Master Water Stewards (MWS) program develops, certifies, and supports community volunteer leaders to work for the health of their water at a neighborhood scale to improve water quality. FWS has implemented the MWS program with many watershed districts and cities and is in the process of expanding state-wide. To date, MWS […]
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Strategic Communication for Master Water Stewards
The Freshwater Society’s (FWS) Master Water Stewards (MWS) program develops, certifies, and supports community volunteer leaders to work for the health of their water at a neighborhood scale to improve water quality. FWS has implemented the MWS program with many watershed districts and cities and is in the process of expanding state-wide. To date, MWS […]
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Marketing and Recruitment for Master Water Stewards
The Freshwater Society’s (FWS) Master Water Stewards (MWS) program develops, certifies, and supports community volunteer leaders to manage stormwater at a neighborhood scale to improve water quality. After a successful pilot, FWS will expand the MWS program to watershed districts and cities state-wide. As the program expands, the FWS needs to develop and refine recruiting […]
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Civic Engagement Strategies for The City of Redmond
The City of Redmond worked with public relation students at the University of Oregon to find solutions for increasing civic engagement. The following pages include recommendations culled from eight different plans developed by student teams during the academic term, with each team taking on the same challenge of heightening citizen involvement in the City of […]
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Historic Preservation Outreach Campaign
The City of Albany primarily uses its website to provide information and resources concerning the historic districts for homeowners. However, the homeowners have to seek this information out themselves rather than the City of Albany reaching out and having a proactive communication strategy. We recommend a communication strategy that targets historic building owners, current and […]
Improving Civic and Community Engagement
The City of Albany’s Parks & Recrea on Department (P&R) worked with public rela ons students at the University of Oregon to nd solu ons to increase community engagement and improve trust among Albany residents. The following report includes recommenda ons from ve di erent plans created by student teams during the academic term, with […]
Minto-Brown Island Park Citizen Communications Strategy
The city collaborated with students from the University of Oregon’s Strategic Communication program to develop a communication plan to address a variety of concerns. The city specifically wanted students to create a plan to help citizens acknowledge the value of Minto-Brown Island Park, and by extension other city-operated parks; to promote personal responsibility by park […]
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