This multi-pronged project will enable Auburn’s residents and local businesses to connect with each other. Students will develop a website and mobile application to gain information about local businesses and buy products and services. The project will also include a marketing component, helping local businesses to better advertise to a wider audience. In the fall […]
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This course will conduct a situation analysis of Auburn residents’ understanding of the risks of natural and man-made disasters, and propose policy and program interventions to improve disaster preparedness. Proposals will include policy and programs that address both individual and community-level components as well as best practices in relation to cultural competence. Read the final […]
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This course builds on the work of several fall quarter projects, including the Connectivity Element for Comprehensive Plan and Community Place-Making, and integrates, advances or deepens the findings of those projects. Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner. Livable City Year Contact Info Teri Thomson Randall Program Manager 206.221.9240 University […]
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The Thea Foss Peninsula is an historic center of the City’s maritime industrial waterfront. The area has a direct connection and proximity to Downtown Tacoma, via the Murray Morgan Bridge (11th street); relic maritime structures; chemical storage and transport facilities; limited deep water access for shipping; as well as significant vacant lands and mixed-use water […]
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The Redmond Area Park and Recreation District (RAPRD) is a special taxing district, first incorporated in 1975, that supports parks and open space, an indoor aquatic center, community centers, and programming in most Redmond area parks. The mission of RAPRD is to “develop and enhance recreation facilities and opportunities for the communities [they] serve” (About […]
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The Southwest Corridor Plan introduces MAX light rail to outer Southwest Portland, Tigard, and other Portland-area suburbs along the I-5 corridor. As part of this project, TriMet and the city of Tigard are investigating a Park and Ride facility near the MAX stop planned for Tigard’s central business district (CBD). This report examines the viability […]
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The purpose of the this project is to analyze the City of Springfield’s existing wayfinding system and provide an action plan for its improvement. This action plan will serve as a “recipe” to guide the City of Springfield as it moves towards the implementation of a cohesive and comprehensive wayfinding system. The document is intended […]
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The purpose of this project is to develop new analysis tools to assess the size, location, and change in Auburn’s homeless populations. Students will assess current practices and strategies used by Auburn and other municipalities, and describe potential new tools appropriate for Auburn. Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner. Livable […]
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The purpose of a connectivity element is for the city to be more strategic in its efforts to physically, socially, culturally, and economically connect Auburn. This project includes a problem assessment, mapping exercise, and development of suggestions for code updates and infrastructure improvements for physical connectivity. The deliverable will be provided in a format resembling […]
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The proposals outlined in this report were a result of collaboration between Lane Transit District (LTD), the City of Springfield, and the University of Oregon Sustainable Cities Initiative during the fall academic term of 2012. Forty-seven students, a mix of graduate and undergraduates from a variety of disciplines, enrolled in the Planning, Public Policy, and […]
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