Bicycle Transportation

The proposals reviewed in this document were generated as a result of collaboration between the City of Salem and the University of Oregon Sustainable Cities Initiative. Fifty-one students in a Planning, Public Policy, and Management course entitled “Bicycle Transportation”, taught by Professor Marc Schlossberg, reviewed and examined critical elements of an urban bikeway system and […]

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Connectivity Element for Comprehensive Plan

The purpose of a connectivity element is for the city to be more strategic in its efforts to physically, socially, culturally, and economically connect Auburn. This project includes a problem assessment, mapping exercise, and development of suggestions for code updates and infrastructure improvements for physical connectivity. The deliverable will be provided in a format resembling […]

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Green Cities

The Green Cities Project focuses on providing the City of Gresham with a set of policy and plan recommendations for the Springwater Community. Springwater, a 1272-acre site on the southeast edge of the Portland Metro Area, was added to the Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) in 2002 and was the subject of the 2005 Springwater Community […]

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Downtown Parks Connectivity Analysis with Geographic Information System

The following report documents the ideas, proposals, and methodologies produced by the Sustainable City Year (SCY) Downtown Parks Connectivity project for the City of Salem. The Downtown Parks Connectivity project members included students in the University of Oregon’s department of Planning, Public Policy and Management enrolled in the academic course PPPM 436/536: Social Planning with […]

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Mitigating the Impacts for Port-Related Vulnerabilities

The City recognizes that many in the community are simply unable to prepare themselves for a disaster or major emergency. This project would provide an assessment of the City’s neighborhoods, particularly South End, Eastside and Hilltop, to identify potential locations in each for emergency sheltering and supply storage (e.g., community centers, schools, churches, etc.). Read […]

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Energy and Climate Change: Recommendations for the City of Springfield Regarding Building, Electricity, and Transportation

The City of Springfield is interested in learning about its current environmental impacts and ways that it might improve its environmental footprint in the future. The students of University of Oregon course PPPM 607: Energy and Climate Change researched three topics—buildings, electricity, and transportation— related to the City of Springfield’s influence on energy use, climate […]

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Inclusive Public Participation: Outreach to the Latino Community in the Redmond Area

The City of Redmond has experienced rapid growth in its Latino population since 2000, and the city is working to improve communication with and services for the Latino community. Realizing the need to better reach out to the Latino community, Redmond sought the assistance of Dr. Gerardo Sandoval’s Public Participation in Diverse Communities class. Graduate […]

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Activity Center Identification in Medford, OR

The City of Medford seeks to identify activity centers to achieve an array of policy goals, including those that foster nodal development, increase residential density, and encourage alternate forms of transportation. Through the University of Oregon’s Sustainable City Year Program, a class of graduate students from the Community and Regional Planning program identified and analyzed […]

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Downtown Gresham Walkability Sutdy

The City of Gresham seeks to improve the walkability of its downtown to create a vibrant, pedestrian-oriented city center. Through the University of Oregon’s Sustainable City Year Program, an Advanced GIS class of undergraduate and graduate students from the Community and Regional Planning program and the Planning, Public Policy, and Management department conducted a walkability […]

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