Meeting the Housing Needs of Redmond, Oregon: Suggestions for Providing Affordable Housing

The Affordable Housing Plan included an assessment of the existing housing options in Redmond, as well as goals, objectives, and strategies that could be used to encourage the preservation and creation of affordable housing. Although Redmond’s Affordable Housing Plan is comprehensive and fairly detailed, it was drafted before the housing market crash and resulting 2008- […]

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Understanding Homelessness

Students in this course looked to peer communities around the country for best practices for addressing homelessness. To choose the communities, they searched for those with characteristics like climate, population, and unemployment rate that were similar to those of Apache Junction, as well as communities making promising strides, which they then vetted with Apache Junction […]

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Business Medical District: Economic Improvement District, Redmond

Students in the graduate level Public Budget Administration course within the department of Planning, Public Policy and Management (PPPM) at the University of Oregon (UO) were tasked with examining the viability of an Economic Improvement District (EID) or Business Improvement District (BID) in Redmond, Oregon’s Medical District. The City of Redmond provided three (3) elements […]

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Development Proposals for Three Targeted Sites in Salam, Oregon

Students in a combined Architecture and Planning class called City Growth/ City Design were asked to create development proposals for three sites located in urban renewal areas of Salem, Oregon, as part of the University of Oregon’s Sustainable City Year program. Students conducted research similar to due diligence activities a developer might undertake when evaluating […]

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Ruston Way Environmental Design Challenge

Ruston Way is one of the City’s most popular destinations, comprised of linear parks and recreation, interspersed with water enjoyment uses and commercial offices. However, the design of the waterfront dates from the early 1980’s and the use of the waterfront has changed significantly. The City of Tacoma and Metro Parks Tacoma have signed a […]

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Redmond Community Foundation

Redmond is poised for growth and expansion, and based on previous projects like Hope playground, seems to have energized citizens who likely would support a community foundation. Our research found that cities across the country use a variety of models and structures that work for their city’s unique characteristics, and Redmond’s future community foundation will […]

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Assessing the Potential for Nonprofit Organizations in Redmond, Oregon

Professor Dyana Mason’s Nonprofit Consultancy class worked in four groups to provide nonprofit advice to Redmond community members and city staff in four separate subject-areas. Students assessed the feasibility of establishing nonprofit organizations for a community foundation, a family justice center, a cultural arts center, and a housing shelter.Students assessed organizational needs and recommended solutions […]

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Parks & Recreation Foundation Partner Coordination

Professor Dyana Mason’s Nonprofit Consultancy class worked in three groups to advise Albany community members and city staff in three distinct subject areas. Students assessed the current state of the Albany Senior Center Foundation (ASCF), the Albany Parks and Recreation Foundation (APRF), and the Albany Parks and Recreation Department (APRD) to provide detailed recommendations for […]

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Senior Center Foundation Strategic Plan

Professor Dyana Mason’s Nonprofit Consultancy class worked in three groups to advise Albany community members and city staff in three distinct subject areas. Students assessed the current state of the Albany Senior Center Foundation (ASCF), the Albany Parks and Recreation Foundation (APRF), and the Albany Parks and Recreation Department (APRD) to provide detailed recommendations for […]

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Parks & Recreation Foundation Planning

Professor Dyana Mason’s Nonprofit Consultancy class worked in three groups to advise Albany community members and city staff in three distinct subject areas. Students assessed the current state of the Albany Senior Center Foundation (ASCF), the Albany Parks and Recreation Foundation (APRF), and the Albany Parks and Recreation Department (APRD) to provide detailed recommendations for […]

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