PDS has been seeking to increase the diverse methods of communication the department uses to reach citizens and to involve them in the decision-making process. The intent is to create a social media presence that reflects the mission of PDS and to train staff on how to most effectively utilize social media to have the […]
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Pet waste has been identified as a likely source of high levels of fecal coliforms in a tributary to the White River. This tributary is downhill from a large residential area. The aim of this project will be to educate these residents about the issues associated with improper disposal of pet waste. Read the final […]
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Our project involves the redesign of the alley located between the Auburn Avenue Theater and Auburn Arts and Culture Center and the surrounding landscape area to provide the community with functional spaces that relates to the programmatic components of adjacent businesses. Envisioned is a revitalization action plan that would produce a model for public gathering, […]
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In the spring 2016 term, an Advanced GIS class at UO conducted an analysis of three existing neighborhoods within the City of Redmond to identify how well they have implemented the Great Neighborhood Principles. The goal is to apply this research and incorporate the principles into future neighborhoods as the city grows. This report first […]
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In the fall term of 2012, graduate students in the Department of Planning, Public Policy and Management (PPPM) at the University of Oregon developed concept plans for an industrial site in Springfield, Oregon. The students were asked to develop a long-term plan for this property, taking into account the context of the neighboring areas and […]
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In the fall term of 2013, graduate students in the Department of Planning, Public Policy and Management (PPPM) at the University of Oregon developed concept plans for the Jackson County Health Site in Medford, Oregon. This document will refer to the Jackson County property as the “Catalyst Site” because redevelopment of the Site was intended […]
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In November 2015, Mayor Nancy Backus convened Auburn’s task force on Homelessness. They developed a list of recommendations and consensus items on how to address the city’s current condition of homelessness that will be brought to the city council. The overarching purpose of this project is to engage students in assessing these recommendations and developing […]
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In 2015, Mayor Backus formed the Blue Ribbon Committee with the goal of transforming Auburn into the healthiest city in Washington by 2020. This was in response to a King County assessment, conducted earlier that year, that revealed that Auburn had low rankings for many health determinants including obesity and diabetes. In alignment with the […]
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Currently, the City of Salem provides approximately 10,500 streetlights for the safety and well-being of its residents. These streetlights cost the city roughly 1.5 million dollars per year in combined electricity and maintenance costs, representing 20 percent of Public Works Department expenditures. The city uses a combination of ownership and rental options in partnership with […]
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Auburn has identified a need to maintain its existing housing stock as a means to maintaining affordability and reducing pressure on resources. This project will engage students in the development of approaches and tools to monitor and maintain Auburn’s existing housing stock. Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner. Livable City […]
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