Encouraging Small Business Growth and Expansion (Business Incubator Plan)

This project was completed as part of the 2017-2018 Resilient Communities Project (rcp.umn.edu) partnership with the City of Ramsey. The City of Ramsey has a successful business retention and expansion (BRE) program that has been focused on small-business development and growth. To advance these efforts, the City would like to pursue new initiatives to attract, […]

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Connecting Ramsey (City-Wide Greenway Plan)

This project was completed as part of the 2017-2018 Resilient Communities Project (rcp.umn.edu) partnership with the City of Ramsey. Ramsey has identified several key ecological and recreation corridors that are prime locations to be connected, integrated, and receive public protection. The City’s broader vision, referred to as the “Circle of Ramsey,” employs a strategy to […]

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Every Voice Matters (Resident Engagement and Volunteerism Plan)

This project was completed as part of the 2017-2018 Resilient Communities Project (rcp.umn.edu) partnership with the City of Ramsey. In 2006, the City of Ramsey embarked on a major overhaul of how it approaches public participation through a grass roots public engagement effort known as Ramsey3. Although the City has made great strides in engaging […]

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Sustaining Our Legacy (Historic Town Hall Plan)

This project was completed as part of the 2017-2018 Resilient Communities Project (rcp.umn.edu) partnership with the City of Ramsey. Only a few of the original houses and structures built in Ramsey remain today. The most notable structure of historic significance is the Old Ramsey Town Hall/District No. 28 Schoolhouse, located west of Highway 47 just […]

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Paying for Future Infrastructure Needs (Development Fee Study)

This project was completed as part of the 2017-2018 Resilient Communities Project (rcp.umn.edu) partnership with the City of Ramsey. Approximately every five years, the City updates its capital improvement plans and sources of funding, including development fees charged to builders for new developments. To remain competitive with peer communities, the City wanted to assess its […]

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Off Leash Dog Park

The students in this course dedicated their independent master’s degree capstone reports to Apache Junction’s aspiration for an off-leash dog park. Each pursued their own angles on this topic, such as the potential of local public-private partnerships for funding, or which features are most important to the success of a park. Based on their research […]

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HandUp OC: Planning for Future Operations

Students will help HandUp OC design assessments and evaluations, prepare for grants, conduct stakeholder analysis, and build internal capacity. Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner. Sustaining Hoosier Communities Contact Info Jane Rogan Sustaining Hoosier Communities Director jrogan@indiana.edu (812) 855-0568 University Faculty Contact Trent Engbers taengbers@usi.edu (812) 855-7980 Local Government / […]

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Sustainability & Solid Waste

Students in this course focused on understanding the current and potential impacts of Apache Junction’s existing solid waste management. To get a wider perspective, students broke into two teams. The first analyzed complaints filed with Apache Junction and Pinal County regarding solid waste, looking for trends and insights. This team also reviewed the city’s online […]

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Sustainability & Solid Waste

Students in this course focused on understanding the current and potential impacts of Apache Junction’s existing solid waste management. To get a wider perspective, students broke into two teams. The first analyzed complaints filed with Apache Junction and Pinal County regarding solid waste, looking for trends and insights. This team also reviewed the city’s online […]

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Planning for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles

Research how connected and autonomous vehicles (CAV) will reshape urban design, land use, and transportation in rural and suburban communities; how are plans being made to anticipate these changes, how should large entertainment destinations/venues and freight land use clusters plan and design? Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner. Resilient Communities […]

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