The City of Pfugerville has identfed the Wilbarger Creekside District as a potental site for residental and commercial actvites that can absorb antcipated populaton growth. The District is outside of Pfugerville city limits but stll within the city’s extraterritorial jurisdicton. The District is anchored by Wilbarger Creek, a 42-mile creek with a 116,000 acre watershed […]
Discipline: Regional Planning
Broadhead Marketing Analysis: Business Inventory and Research
The City of Brodhead set out to begin a study of its local market. Some reasons for the analysis include: • Several vacancies in downtown. • A more measured growth rate. • Understanding of how Brodhead is doing overall. Brodhead is pursuing a market analysis to better understand the retail, service, and business needs of […]
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Land Use Scenarios for Leander
Sustainable Land Use Planning classwork focused on two curricular units, each informing the development of land use scenarios for the City of Leander. The first part provided background information on the history, institutional frameworks, purpose, principles and values inherent in land use and comprehensive planning today. The second part covered the background analytic and participatory […]
Pecan Street Corridor Design
Students in the Transit Planning course were tasked with identfying key crossings and future land uses that could beneft from pedestrian and bicycle transportaton infrastructure. Given future transportaton needs, current best practces for pedestrian and bicycle transportaton, and budget constraints, students have proposed a unifed concept for mixeduse transportaton along and across Pecan Street Read […]
Green Retrofitting
Students in the Energy Modeling & Design and Introducton to Engineering Design & Graphics courses evaluated a number of city buildings to provide the City of Pfugerville with energy efciency and water use improvement projects. They developed general concepts around energy and water conservaton and provided some optons for existng city-owned building. In completng this […]
New Housing Development Models for Leander
Students in Real Estate Development researched and evaluated the feasibility of sustainable residential development types. Typologies include cohousing, live/work, small multifamily, fourplexes, and townhouses. Working in small groups, each research team developed a 15-20 page report that examines a different housing type. Final reports included case studies or precedents from other cities in similar regions […]
Village of New Glarus Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan
Purpose & Role of Parks The Village of New Glarus recognizes the importance and benefts its parks and open space system has on the Village’s character and quality of life. Parks provide opportunities for social activities, education, and community involvement. Beautiful parks and a variety of recreational activities help attract new residents, tourism and commerce. […]
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Half-Block Development in Old Town
Old Town Pfugerville serves as an important anchor in the city. It captures the city’s historic character while showcasing the potental for Pfugerville’s future development. The city has undergone multple community engagement processes to understand community needs, desires, and visions for the future of Old Town. The “Old Town Pfugerville Vision Report”, “2030 Comprehensive Plan”, […]
Quadruple net value analysis
On October 3rd, 2014 the Lake Boys Team travelled to Jonestown, TX to conduct a Quadruple Net Value assessment of the town. The goal was to evaluate Jonestown along the lines of its Social/Cultural, Economic, Environmental and Sensory value as a place and make recommendations to city leadership on how these aspects can be improved […]
Suggestions for a More Connected Leander
Leander will become increasingly sustainable by promoting connectivity and pedestrian access within the community. A more connected landscape will benefit current residents by creating outdoor networks. These networks will allow people to move through the city with an increasing amount ease. It will also serve future students enrolled at Leander’s ACC San Gabriel Campus. Located […]