Analyzing Trends in Gentrification and Displacement

A team of undergraduate computer science students participating in BU Spark! will compile and analyze various datasets to understand how real estate prices, homeownership, and business ownership trends have changed over time. The City of Chelsea will use this information to visualize, contextualize, and analyze how rising real estate prices may be contributing to displacement […]

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South Campus Neighborhood Project Transportation Study Ivy Street & Chestnut Street Redesign

•The South Campus Neighborhood Project (SCNP) is a coordinated effort by the city of Chico and the California State University of Chico to improve the Neighborhood that borders the South Campus •The project spans from 2nd to 9th street and Salem to Orange Street •The end goal of this project is to vastly improve all […]

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State Road 60 Access Management Plannign Study

Access Management Plan Study and Scope of Work: Working in cooperation with TDOT and the Cleveland MPO, the CTR would produce an access management plan study for the SR60 corridor that would evaluate examples of different access management techniques and their application in other locales under conditions similar to those that exist in the various […]

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Realm Housing – A pitch for transitional housing on land being converted to organic agriculture

According to the survey about the farmworkers inside of Salinas Valley and Pajaro Valley between 2001 and 2012(Coile, 2016), farmworkers have many housing problems. Especially the living conditions of farmworkers for example, one statistical data study states that more than 40% farmworkers reported the problem with plumbing, roaches, cracking, and peeling. In addition, the average […]

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Marketing Proposals for Green County Development Corporation

After recognizing Green County’s labor shortage, our agency is focusing on addressing this issue through the implementation of a variety of strategies. The campaign we plan to execute has two main elements, including the creation of a promotional brochure and the re-structuring of the Green County Development Corporation website. Both elements will compliment one another, […]

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Zero Waste Innovations for Pflugerville

A number of U.S. cites have begun to implement zero waste policies and practces to reduce solid waste volume and costs. Zero waste aims to eliminate the generaton of waste and toxicity at a variety of scales ranging from restaurants to cites with an emphasis on reducing unnecessary producton and divertng discarded material towards other […]

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Radon Mapping

A student in the Department of Geographical and Sustainability Sciences assisted the Siouxland District Health Department with this goal by researching and mapping information about radon concentrations at zip code level throughout Woodbury County. Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner. Iowa Initiative for Sustainable Communities Contact Info University Faculty Contact […]

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Efficient Publi Lighting Options

A Product Design studio course from the University of Oregon took on the Efficient Public Lighting Options project and worked to develop design concepts that would meet Salem’s lighting needs and reduce their energy use. The tenweek project focused on analyzing Salem’s current streetlighting and identifying areas for improvement, and on generating lighting solutions that […]

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