Study of Preparation for Emergencies and Disasters in Auburn

This course will conduct a situation analysis of Auburn residents’ understanding of the risks of natural and man-made disasters, and propose policy and program interventions to improve disaster preparedness. Proposals will include policy and programs that address both individual and community-level components as well as best practices in relation to cultural competence. Read the final […]

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Lowering Phosphorus Levels in Browntown

The WI DNR has changed legislation regarding phosphorus levels in municipal wastewater. The change, lowering standards from 4.8 mg/L to 0.075mg/L, created noncompliance issues for the Browntown, WI municipal wastewater treatment facility. The system operator, Rob, has emphasized that any changes to the system must comply with the city’s public budget of $270,000 (for all […]

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South Campus Neighborhood Project Signage & Wayfinding

There are many missing, ineffectual, and vandalized street signs in the SCN. 2. Tamper-proof designs for new signage could prevent thievery and vandalization, and the use of tackwelding and increased fines for stealing could be a part of this. 3. Sustainable materials could be used for new signage to raise awareness and combat heedless wastefulness. […]

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Bellevue Design Review Image Catalogue

There is opportunity to design innovative, scalable solutions to some of the challenges facing the city in sustainable, meaningful performance outcomes — in particular, the BelRed district, which is facing significant change with the construction of light rail. Focusing on the BelRed District, but with potential application toward other neighborhoods as well, review and develop […]

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The Architecture of City Governance & Civic Life

Third year architecture students Tricia Stuth’s design studio “Lenoir City: the architecture of city governance and civic life” will investigate multiple sites and buildings for adaptive reuse, expansion, and redevelopment. Projects for Lenoir City Schools Administration, Lenoir City Fire Department, and in-city housing will address needs yet also illustrate opportunities to enhance the public realm. […]

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Gresham City Hall

Thirteen schemes were developed for the Gresham City Hall project under the Sustainable Cities Initiative during the winter term of 2010. Each group took a unique approach to the challenges and opportunities presented. All were concerned with density, creating viable public space, displaying sustainable systems, creating a ‘democratic’ building that emphasized public participation and visual […]

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Gresham City Hall

Thirteen schemes were developed for the Gresham City Hall project under the Sustainable Cities Initiative during the winter term of 2010. Each group took a unique approach to the challenges and opportunities presented. All were concerned with density, creating viable public space, displaying sustainable systems, creating a ‘democratic’ building that emphasized public participation and visual […]

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Water, Microecologies + Density

This advanced level research and development focused design studio explored the potential synergies between transit-oriented development (TOD) and habitat sensitive and low impact design. Students were asked to generate dense schemes closely tied to non-motorized transit infrastructure that were rich with green (living) amenities and that support the ecological health of the local community and […]

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South Campus Neighborhood Project Signage & Wayfinding

There are many missing, ineffectual, and vandalized street signs in the SCN. 2. Tamper-proof designs for new signage could prevent thievery and vandalization, and the use of tackwelding and increased fines for stealing could be a part of this. 3. Sustainable materials could be used for new signage to raise awareness and combat heedless wastefulness. […]

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