WRF Biosolids Alternatives Market Analysis

The University of Oregon Master of Business Administra on and Master of Accoun ng students collaborated in Joshua Skov’s graduate-level course in Industrial Ecology (MGMT 641), inves ga ng the possibili es for the marke ng and sale of outputs from the treatment of wastewater (sewage) at the Albany Water Reclama on Facility. In the […]

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Equity and Opportunity Mapping Analysis

The University of Oregon’s GIScience 2 students collaborated with the City of Albany, Oregon, to gather, organize, synthesize, and map geospatial information. Albany is interested in better understanding the segregation patterns of underrepresented demographic populations like racial/ethnic minority groups, low income individuals or families, people with disabilities, and seniors. GIS students used these potential segregation […]

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Equity and Opportunity Mapping Analysis

The University of Oregon’s GIScience 2 students collaborated with the City of Albany, Oregon, to gather, organize, synthesize, and map geospatial information. Albany is interested in better understanding the segregation patterns of underrepresented demographic populations like racial/ethnic minority groups, low income individuals or families, people with disabilities, and seniors. GIS students used these potential segregation […]

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Stormwater Design Of Walker Township

The task of the BE 460 students is to document and quantify stormwater challenges at the Cree Manor housing development in Walker Township and to assess and design possible solutions such as: re-design the stormwater outlet structure for the development, investigate whether water could be diverted, and consider whether best management practices (e.g., rain garden, […]

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Developing Content for the University of St. Thomas Pollinator Path

The Sustainable Communities Partnership is partnering with the Department of Biology’s Pollinator Path to add multi-disciplinary and community educational value to the pollinator path. Students in Theology 101 and Spanish 211 (paired courses) will develop content for the Pollinator Path; this project work will also provide a framework for discussion and practice of the courses’ […]

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Economic Impact Assessment for Linear Park at Fort Loudon Bridge

The Tennessee Valley Authority is building a new bridge from Blount County Loudon County and Lenoir City officials are working with the Committee of 100 to considering options for the existing bridge. Economics lecturer Ben Compton is evaluating costs and impacts of retaining the old bridge and revitalizing the adjacent park area. City officials hope […]

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Developing Content for the University of St. Thomas Pollinator Path

The Sustainable Communities Partnership is partnering with the Department of Biology’s Pollinator Path to add multi-disciplinary and community educational value to the pollinator path. Students in Theology 101 and Spanish 211 (paired courses) will develop content for the Pollinator Path; this project work will also provide a framework for discussion and practice of the courses’ […]

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Thea Foss Peninsula Manufacturing and Industrial Futures Study

The Thea Foss Peninsula is an historic center of the City’s maritime industrial waterfront. The area has a direct connection and proximity to Downtown Tacoma, via the Murray Morgan Bridge (11th street); relic maritime structures; chemical storage and transport facilities; limited deep water access for shipping; as well as significant vacant lands and mixed-use water […]

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Barbur Boulevard: Designing a Model Civic Corridor for the 21st Century

The transit infrastructure along Barbur Boulevard in southwest Portland creates significant safety hazards due to intermittent bicycle lanes and sidewalks. The need for improved pedestrian, bicyclist, and motorist safety, as well as increased housing and public transportation options in the Southwest Corridor (SWC) of Portland have spurred an assement of the potential for transit-oriented development […]

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