The non-profit group Arts Altoona received a former five and dime building to be converted into a center for the arts in down town Altoona. A rust-belt city, Altoona hopes for a renaissance through development of a cultural district which is anchored by the Arts Altoona building. Architecture students are tasked with creating a vision […]
Focus Area: Equity
Urban Deer Management
The number of urban deer in Logan City is increasing and without management, they will likely cause serious problems. While some residents have expressed concern and asked the City to address it, others believe no action is necessary. The experience of urban deer population control in other Utah cities suggests that this will be a […]
Navasota Comprehensive Plan
The Navasota Comprehensive Plan strives to be a plan that addresses the needs and aspirations of the community both today and over the next 10 years. In order to ensure that the Comprehensive Plan reflects what the community desires, it is critical that community members are involved in the development and implementation of the plan. […]
Urban Agriculture Ethography Project
The Mississippi Watershed Management Organization seeks to understand why and how residents within their watershed engage in urban agriculture, including motivations, barriers, and benefits, in order to more effectively engage other residents in urban agriculture. MWMO’s overarching goal is to improve water quality by reducing the volume and speed of stormwater runoff. Urban agricultural practices […]
Navasota Comprehensive Plan
The Navasota Comprehensive Plan strives to be a plan that addresses the needs and aspirations of the community both today and over the next 10 years. In order to ensure that the Comprehensive Plan reflects what the community desires, it is critical that community members are involved in the development and implementation of the plan. […]
Navasota Comprehensive Plan
The Navasota Comprehensive Plan strives to be a plan that addresses the needs and aspirations of the community both today and over the next 10 years. In order to ensure that the Comprehensive Plan reflects what the community desires, it is critical that community members are involved in the development and implementation of the plan. […]
Navasota Comprehensive Plan
The Navasota Comprehensive Plan strives to be a plan that addresses the needs and aspirations of the community both today and over the next 10 years. In order to ensure that the Comprehensive Plan reflects what the community desires, it is critical that community members are involved in the development and implementation of the plan. […]
Urban Agriculture Ethography Project
The Mississippi Watershed Management Organization seeks to understand why and how residents within their watershed engage in urban agriculture, including motivations, barriers, and benefits, in order to more effectively engage other residents in urban agriculture. MWMO’s overarching goal is to improve water quality by reducing the volume and speed of stormwater runoff. Urban agricultural practices […]
Evaluating Stormwater Management Graphics
The Mississippi Watershed Management Organization (MWMO) has a library of graphics for stormwater best management practices. The MWMO uses these graphics on signs, flyers, and other communication materials for the public; these communication materials seek to engage the public in implementing stormwater best management practices to promote infiltration of water into the ground and prevent […]
Culturally Diverse Enviornmental Engagement
The Mississippi Watershed Management Organization (MWMO) seeks to more effectively engage culturally diverse residents in promoting water quality through programs that resonate with and are beneficial to residents in their daily lives. Students in Large Client Systems will create a logic model to guide MWMO’s outreach with culturally diverse populations that both benefits the community […]