Green Cities

The Green Cities Project focuses on providing the City of Gresham with a set of policy and plan recommendations for the Springwater Community. Springwater, a 1272-acre site on the southeast edge of the Portland Metro Area, was added to the Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) in 2002 and was the subject of the 2005 Springwater Community […]

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Marketing Strategies for Bellevue Parks and Community Services

The goal of this project will be to perform a high level climate vulnerability assessment for the City of Bellevue, to understand the greatest risks and vulnerabilities in the city from climate change. The project will involve the review of existing regional, statewide, and national studies to assess the impact of climate change on Bellevue’s […]

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Green Cities

The Green Cities Project focuses on providing the City of Gresham with a set of policy and plan recommendations for the Springwater Community. Springwater, a 1272-acre site on the southeast edge of the Portland Metro Area, was added to the Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) in 2002 and was the subject of the 2005 Springwater Community […]

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Organizational Communication with Volunteers

The Freshwater Society’s (FWS) Master Water Stewards program (MWS) develops, certifies, and supports community volunteer leaders to manage stormwater at a neighborhood scale to improve water quality. FWS is wrapping up the third year of its partnership with the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District and is preparing to expand the MWS program to seven watershed districts […]

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Community Engagement Strategy for Residents of Multi-Family Housing

The goal of criminal prosecution is to seek justice, but that goal is undermined if decisions regarding charging, plea offers, and sentencing are impacted by implicit bias against a defendant’s race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, sexual orientation or other demographic markers. This project will gather data from the City Attorney’s Office and its criminal justice partners […]

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Watts Bar Resort Master Plan

The goal of the project is to increase public recreational access and convention space in Rhea County. The project will provide additional lodging for the increasingly popular bass-fishing tournaments being held in nearby Dayton, and moreover provide meeting facilities for businesses and other convention groups in the region. Conducting detailed preliminary site analysis and incorporating […]

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Open Space Protection in Medford, Oregon: A Menu of Legal and Planning Strategies

The goal of this project is to improve open space protection in Medford, Oregon. This report describes potential legal obstacles and effective legal and planning strategies behind successful municipal open space protection efforts. Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner. Sustainable City Year Program Contact Info Megan Banks Sustainable City Year […]

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Strategic Communication for Master Water Stewards

The Freshwater Society’s (FWS) Master Water Stewards (MWS) program develops, certifies, and supports community volunteer leaders to work for the health of their water at a neighborhood scale to improve water quality. FWS has implemented the MWS program with many watershed districts and cities and is in the process of expanding state-wide. To date, MWS […]

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Strategic Communication for Master Water Stewards

The Freshwater Society’s (FWS) Master Water Stewards (MWS) program develops, certifies, and supports community volunteer leaders to work for the health of their water at a neighborhood scale to improve water quality. FWS has implemented the MWS program with many watershed districts and cities and is in the process of expanding state-wide. To date, MWS […]

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