Minto-Brown Island Park Citizen Communications Strategy

The city collaborated with students from the University of Oregon’s Strategic Communication program to develop a communication plan to address a variety of concerns. The city specifically wanted students to create a plan to help citizens acknowledge the value of Minto-Brown Island Park, and by extension other city-operated parks; to promote personal responsibility by park […]

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Strategies and Tactics for Historic Preservation Outreach

The City of Albany Historic Preserva on Program partnered with the University of Oregon (UO) School of Journalism and Communica ons’ Public Rela ons Strategic Planning and Cases class to improve historic homeowners’ involvement, interest, and awareness in historic preserva on while revitalizing rela onships with the Albany Heritage All-Star Community agencies. Students addressed these […]

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East Thornton Lake Natural Area: Park Design

The City of Albany owns a 26-acre property beside Thornton Lake that is slated to become a future park and nature preserve. The site has historically been used for private homesteading and agriculture but has since become wild elds and woodlands. The community supported the City of Albany’s interest in purchasing the land to protect […]

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Modeling Impacts of Mining on Groundwater

The Center for Applied Mathematics supports and funds summer student research that applies mathematics to real-world problems. The Freshwater Society would like to examine the potential effects of mining in the UMore development on groundwater in Dakota County. Student researchers will investigate the question: How will the removal of sand and gravel impact water reaching […]

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Transportation Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventories: State College

The borough of State College conducted two greenhouse gas inventories which focused on transportation. These studies used different data sets, in part due the construction of a bypass, and therefore the impact of GHG reducing measures was inconclusive. In order to create good baseline information, the borough engaged a capstone student in EMS to reconcile […]

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Sustainable Behavior Messaging: State College

The borough of State College seeks to reduce its GHG emissions by 10% of 2007 levels by 2021, and would like to receive guidance on messaging that will change residents’ behavior, promoting overall energy conservation. The borough will utilize student findings in its print and social media. Read the final student report delivered to the […]

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Alexa Technology Application: State College

The borough of State College would like to implement Alexa technology as a communication and information option for its residents. In this first approach of implementation, students in IST 440 will explore options for dissemination of information on parking availability in the borough. Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner. Sustainable […]

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Recycling Marketing Plan For State College Borough

The borough requires participation in a recycling program of all residents. It has found that management practices can have little effect on the actions of residents to recycle. Students will work with a landlord/property to develop a marketing plan to increase compliance with the policy Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community […]

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Energy Planning In The State College Borough

The borough seeks to understand the local perception of a community-based energy generation system. Students will help by identifying stakeholders, relevant issues, and potential opportunities, planning and facilitating discussions, and summarizing their findings in a final report. Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner. Sustainable Communities Collaborative Contact Info University Faculty […]

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