The County Health Rankings (2018) show that Adams County has the third highest rates of child neglect and abuse in Wisconsin. The root cause of of child abuse and neglect vary, but in talking with community partners and researching primary evidence, we have hypothesized three main causes in Adams County: lack of access to primary […]
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The most recent Community Health Needs Assessment in Adams County found that 33% of adults are considered obese. Obesity became a major goal of the current Community Health Improvement Plan. There are a variety of reasons for the high obesity rate including lack of access to fresh foods, no designated indoor physical activity space, and […]
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In the most recent Community Health Improvement Plan, Adams County (2017) identified access to healthcare as one of the major issues facing the community. The lack of resources and education surrounding healthcare in this 100% rural county has negatively affected the overall health of its citizens. Lack of access to healthcare and funding poses barriers […]
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Adams County is a rural community located in central Wisconsin. The largest industriesin this county are agriculture and tourism. The county has identified Housing for Sober Living asa priority for residents, as many people with substance abuse disorders also experiencesignificant housing insecurity. Three potential interventions to address housing for sober livinghave been identified: the Oxford […]
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According to the 2017-2022 Adams County Community Health Improvement Plan(CHIP) and local public health experts, health equity awareness is an identified priority healtharea central to increasing community engagement with public health initiatives and policies(Adams County Community Health Improvement Plan 2017-2022, 2017). This paper will outlinetwo proposals including an example of a social media-based and an […]
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According to the 2016 Wisconsin County Health Rankings data, there are approximately 3 primary care physicians per 10,000 people in Adams County compared to more than 8 primary care physicians per 10,000 people in the state of Wisconsin. This statistic emphasizes the need for improving access to healthcare, a priority shared by the Adams County […]
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This report details an activity about lake ecosystems for children ages 7 and up provided by the Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies CESP. UniverCity Year Contact Info Gavin Luter Managing Director 608-261-1141 […]
Read More… from Sustainability Education in Adams County: How to play “Walleye and Perch”