Adams, Wood and Juneau Counties represent the best that Wisconsin has to offer. Combining exceptional hiking, biking, swimming and more, these counties come together to create an ideal getaway from cities like Madison and Chica-go. We seek to target adventurers and families alike, with getaway options that have activities that can appeal to each individual. […]
Read More… from Promoting tourism, marketing, and branding in Adams, Wood and Juneau Counties
We want to make Adams County a winter desti-nation. Adams County is known for their sum-mer and spring recreational activities, but now we want to highlight what their winters have to offer. We want to establish cool, outdoor vaca-tions as a first choice for winter getaways. Our messages will push families to choose Adams County […]
Read More… from Creating a winter tourism campaign for Adams County
A variety of business types and sizes are integral to a thriving economy and future for Adams County, Wisconsin. Yet, for the past two decades, the county has been losing entry level workers agedapproximately 20 to 30 (U.S. Census, 2014). And while America overall has become more diverse, the makeup of Adams County and its […]
Read More… from Engaging a new workforce in Adams County
In 1980 the world population was at 4.5 billion people and by 1990, that number had increased to 5.3 billion. By the year 2000 that number had surpassed 6 billion and today that number is approaching 8 billion (World Meters). With a population that is growing exponentially comes an increase in the need for basic […]
Read More… from Cooperatives in Adams County: Case studies and analysis ofchildcare, housing, and food systems cooperatives
The appeal of Adams county is held in its rural location, close-knit communities and natural splendor. The small town appeal of the county has much to offer, but has posed issues in recent history. Lack of engagement and stagnancy in local government has prevented the county from creating changes needed and desired by the community. […]
Read More… from Fostering a positive image of Adams County
How do we best develop the county with the limited resources available? This reportprovides an in – depth examination and analysis of Adams County, Wisconsin, located in North -Central, Wisconsin, to better understand its most prominent assets for economic development.Students were tasked with creating an asset map for the county that would help makebetter decisions […]
Read More… from Asset-Based Economic Development: Building Sustainable Small and Rural Communities
KM2L and Associates has been selected to design a residential housing facility for Adams County. Workers in Adams County currently face an average commute time of around 28 minutes. These long commute times and lack of affordable housing have led to high job turnover rates in the county. To help combat this problem, we have […]
Read More… from Preliminary Engineering Report for Adams County Housing Project
The purpose of this project is to provide utility and roadway design for future residential lots that meet the City’s demand for starter home housing units and provide public utilities to service future developments. After meeting with the client, a layout of the residential development was desired and will be provided in addition to the […]
Read More… from Prospective Residential Development of a 17-Acre Parcel and Site Utilities for a 34-Acre Parcel in Adams County, WI
The existing Adams County Health and Human Services (HHS) Building located in Friendship, WI is to be repurposed for use in the Adams/Friendship community in a way that is attractive to a developer. There are three alternative repurposing designs addressed in the following report. Each addressesthe building issues outlined by the Adam’s County Sheriff’s Department […]
Read More… from Preliminary Design Report Adams County Health & Human Services Remodel