B. Description of the Subprojects The objective of the MORTH’s Project Financing Facility is to support the projects for improving Andhra Pradesh State’s connectivity of the current rural interior and achieving a larger coverage of the National Highway and State Highway. The loan from the MORTH will be on – lent to the Government of […]
Lead Local Gov / Community Partner Org Name: Albany
Eat, Play, Shop: Downtown Redevelopment
This report summarizes the student design proposals for redeveloping three sites in downtown Albany, Oregon. University of Oregon Architecture students were tasked with iden fying op ons to increase ac vity within the respec ve sites in the downtown region. The projects were divided into three separate proposals; these three integrated architectural components consis ng […]
Parks & Recreation Department Funding
This report summarizes the student design proposals for redeveloping three sites in downtown Albany, Oregon. University of Oregon Architecture students were tasked with iden fying op ons to increase ac vity within the respec ve sites in the downtown region. The projects were divided into three separate proposals; these three integrated architectural components consis ng […]
Downtown Albany St. Francis Hotel Viability
This report summarizes the student design proposals for redeveloping three sites in downtown Albany, Oregon. University of Oregon Architecture students were tasked with identifying op ons to increase activity within the respective sites in the downtown region.The projects were divided into three separate proposals; these three integrated architectural components consisting of the categories “eat, shop, […]
Redesign Albany’s Streets to be Bike Friendly
This report documents the ideas, methodologies, and proposals produced by students of the University of Oregon’s Bicycle Transportation class for the City of Albany, Oregon. Albany saw much of its growth during a period when the individual freedom given by automobiles was considered the main viable form of transportation, and all other forms of transportation […]
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WRF Biosolids Alternatives Market Analysis
The University of Oregon Master of Business Administra on and Master of Accoun ng students collaborated in Joshua Skov’s graduate-level course in Industrial Ecology (MGMT 641), inves ga ng the possibili es for the marke ng and sale of outputs from the treatment of wastewater (sewage) at the Albany Water Reclama on Facility. In the […]
Equity and Opportunity Mapping Analysis
The University of Oregon’s GIScience 2 students collaborated with the City of Albany, Oregon, to gather, organize, synthesize, and map geospatial information. Albany is interested in better understanding the segregation patterns of underrepresented demographic populations like racial/ethnic minority groups, low income individuals or families, people with disabilities, and seniors. GIS students used these potential segregation […]
Equity and Opportunity Mapping Analysis
The University of Oregon’s GIScience 2 students collaborated with the City of Albany, Oregon, to gather, organize, synthesize, and map geospatial information. Albany is interested in better understanding the segregation patterns of underrepresented demographic populations like racial/ethnic minority groups, low income individuals or families, people with disabilities, and seniors. GIS students used these potential segregation […]
Inventorying Albany’s Cultural Resources
The Community Cultural Development class in the Arts and Administration Department at the University of Oregon was asked to present a plan to the City of Albany, Oregon, that would help the city develop a cultural inventory. Throughout the term, students researched about the city using online resources and in-person interviews. Students also surveyed a […]
Improving Civic and Community Engagement
The City of Albany’s Parks & Recrea on Department (P&R) worked with public rela ons students at the University of Oregon to nd solu ons to increase community engagement and improve trust among Albany residents. The following report includes recommenda ons from ve di erent plans created by student teams during the academic term, with […]