This project has a total of 4 goals to be addressed through a survey of the business community along Broadway Avenue. 1. To better the quality of life for business owners, their employees and the community 2. Help build and support the financial stability of the business owners 3. Bring more visitors and locals onto […]
Lead Local Gov / Community Partner Org Name: City of Seaside
Ethnic Representation and Outreach to the Latino Community in the City of Seaside
This project addressed two concerns of the City of Seaside: the need for a visual representation of Seaside’s demographics and representation within government, and a question about why the Hispanic and Latino population are not more involved at city meetings. These goals are important in informing the city’s 2040 general plan: seeing and understanding the […]
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Cannabis Club
This project describes the implementation of a Cannabis Club that will allow visitors a safe space to Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner. Sustainable City Years Program Contact Info University Faculty Contact Dante Digregorio Business Associate Professor Local Government / Community Contact Gloria Stearns Economic Development Economic Development Program […]
Tiny Home Development for a More Sustainable and Inclusive Community in Seaside, California
This capstone explored the use of tiny homes as a means to mitigate homelessness and housing insecurity in the City of Seaside. The project researched homelessness in the nation, the state of California, Monterey County, and California State University Monterey Bay, with findings that demonstrate inequitable access to resources and prohibitive requirements for obtaining shelter. […]
Storm Drains in Seaside
The study of Seaside storm drain densities between commercial and residential areas is of value because storm drains can be an entry point for trash to collect into a marine sanctuary such as the Monterey Bay. Various geospatial datasets were created and manipulated to create ArcMaps, graphs, and tables to compare storm drain density between […]
Traffic Accident Densities
The study of Seaside storm drain densities between commercial and residential areas is of value because storm drains can be an entry point for trash to collect into a marine sanctuary such as the Monterey Bay. Various geospatial datasets were created and manipulated to create ArcMaps, graphs, and tables to compare storm drain density between […]
Seaside Linear Park proposal
The purpose of this project is to increase public health conditions and overall quality of life for Seaside residents by proposing the future development of a linear-shaped, urban park. This new park is meant to be inclusive and equitable for surrounding communities while maintaining sustainably-influenced infrastructure. Alongside General Jim Moore Boulevard, a street lying on […]
Traffic Accident Geocoding
The purpose of this project will be to Geocode Accident data recorded from the City of Seaside Fire Department from March 15th to March 24th. This will allow them to see where these accidents are occurring throughout the city and to determine if the majority of accidents are occurring more in residential areas or near […]
Fats, Oils and Grease, Inspections and Restaurants
The purpose of this project is to determine the location of restaurants in Seaside and distinguish which ones have passed inspection from the city for the year 2010-2011. The city inspected whether or not they were dumping large amounts of grease in the local sewage system. Due to the fact that large amounts of grease […]
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Georeferenced Easement Map for the Sustainable City of Seaside
The purpose of this project is to help the City of Seaside reduce the amount of paper files on easements, and to create a single map through ArcGIS for future ease of use. According to the EPA, about 69 million tons of paper are used in the U.S. each year. The Sustainable City of Seaside […]
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