The general context analysis of Owen Brown Village Center will analyze the current arrangement and ownership of the buildings on the site, as well as traffic and pedestrian uses around the site. This analysis will also make general suggestions for how to increase the value of the property for the developer. A site tour of […]
Lead Local Gov / Community Partner Org Name: Howard County & Columbia Association
The Feasibility of Small Farms Growing Hops and Specialty Grains Profitably in Howard County
This project assessed the potential profitability of growing hops and grains for alcohol production on the fewer than 200 farms of 520 acres in Howard County, MD. Currently, few of Howard’s farms are able to make a profit on an annual basis and none of the farms made more than $10,000 in annual sales in […]
The Farming Industry: Profitable Models
The Howard County Office of Community Sustainability is seeking food hub-based solutions that connect small and mid-sized farmers in Howard County with restaurants and retailers to expand the market for locally produced agricultural products. Under the supervision of instructor Philip Gottwals, the University of Maryland’s PALS-affiliated AREC 489N team studied successes and failures of organizations […]
Owen Brown Village Center
Students in the Master of Architecture program worked with representatives from the Howard County Department of Planning, the Columbia Association, and the Owen Brown Village board to come up with redevelopment schemes for Owen Brown Village Center. The semester began with the production of a series of base maps, which analyzed demographics, issues hydrology and […]
Elkhorn Channelside Columbia, Maryland, A Mixed-Use Sustainable Village Center
This feasibility report is submitted for completion of the Master of Real Estate Development (MRED) degree program in the Capstone course, RDEV 688I, Spring 2016 at the Colvin Institute, School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation, University of Maryland College Park. MRED candidate Kevin A. Fitzgerald, RA authored this report under the mentorship of Tim Pula, […]
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