Conducting a sustainability management assessment for Outagamie County departments

The county wants to revive its sustainability in order to reduce its impact on the environment and save money. To move beyond addressing energy efficiency efforts, this report assesses Outagamie County’s current state of sustainability management and recommendations for jumpstarting the county’s Sustainability Committee. UniverCity Year Contact Info: Report Link […]

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Exploring county-level conservation and sustainability initiatives for Outagamie County

This report presents conservation and sustainability initiatives addressing land and water conservation, renewable energy, transportation, food sustainability, and sustainable development that can be implemented on the county level with the support of government, nonprofit, and commercial organizations. UniverCity Year Contact Info: […]

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Guiding Outagamie County policy and regulatory framework to support electric vehicles

A team of capstone students prepared recommendations that Outagamie County can use to electrify the public transportation sector. These include establishing a charging rebate program, changing building codes and zoning permits, staying updated on state and federal funding opportunities, and creating a committee of stakeholders to stay engaged on the issue. UniverCity Year Contact Info: […]

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Modernizing the Outagamie County highway access control ordinance

Outagamie County’s growth from a rural to a suburban and urban county means that some highways need to change speed limits and other regulations that control how cars access them. This project offered recommendations to modernize Outagamie County’s highway access control ordinance, which has not been updated in over 30 years, and analyzed crash data […]

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Exploring community geothermal for Appleton International Airport

Four groups of students created unique geothermal system design proposals for the Appleton International Airport that would would support at least 25% of total heating and cooling demands in passenger terminal and ancillary buildings. Team Alpha design solution: Delta design solution: Epsilon design solution: Omicron design solution: UniverCity Year Contact Info: […]

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Developing a net zero energy plan for Appleton International Airport

This report proposes solutions that the airport can implement to expand its sustainability goals to achieve net zero energy including airport vehicle and equipment electrification, on-site solar photovoltaic installations, on-site anaerobic digestion and zero waste, inland offshore wind farm and on-site vertical axis wind turbines, water conservation and reywater use, investments in utility scale renewable […]

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Expanding the action plan for new sustainability initiatives at the Appleton International Airport

In 2011, Appleton International Airport (ATW) was one of 10 airports selected nationally by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to participate in an initial Sustainable Master Plan Pilot Program. That program resulted in a Sustainability Plan developed in 2012. Approximately 85% of the 2012 SustainableMaster Plan initiatives have been completed and ATW is now developing […]

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Reviewing sustainability initiatives at the Appleton International Airport

To meet Appleton International Airport’s (ATW) goal to exist as a net-zero energy facility by 2030, we have researched options that will be effective,economical, and visible to the community. Our main goal for this project was to enhance ATW’s current renewable energy system’s self-sufficiency capabilitywithin eight years. To this end, we researched various energy creation […]

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