Guiding future best practices in managing stormwater ponds

Our group examined several different counties of Wisconsin and what laws they had in place for Stormwater Management to gain a better understanding of what practices Outagamie County does not have in place. This was conducted by Zoom meetings with local experts in erosion and stormwater management, conversations through email, and accessing other counties’ online […]

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Researching childcare cooperatives for economic sustainability in Outagamie County

During the spring 2022 semester, the students in AAE 323 worked on a project to help Outagamie County understand and evaluate cooperative solutions to their childcare crisis. The following report includes the work students completed regarding various cooperative models that are used for delivering childcare services. The report includes sections on parent led cooperatives, worker […]

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Exploring housing siting criteria and development strategies for the Fox Cities and Greater Outagamie County Region

Given population trends, this region is projected to need 11,000 more housing units between 2020 and 2030. Inflexible single-family zoning, minimum parking requirements, and maximum building heights, among several other housing policies and regulations, pose an ongoing barrier to housing development and affordability in the region. Our analysis applied the principles of smart growth to […]

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Exploring supports for child care business viability in Outagamie County

High-quality child care is essential for the vibrancy of local economies and child and family well-being. However, many child care providers struggle to remain financially viable because child care programs are expensive to operate, and the revenue they earn from tuition may not cover the costs of high-quality care. Outagamie County and the Greater Fox […]

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Leveraging policy innovations to boost child care worker wages in Outagamie County

Child care is essential to the growth of local economies and the well-being of families. Child care is already a large expense for families, yet tuition does not cover the true cost of care. This outcome depresses wages for child care workers and leads to staffing shortages and diminished child care slot availability. To improve […]

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