Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning (M-NCPPC), which operates under Prince George’s County (PGC) Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR), is responsible for approximately 194 stormwater management systems (SWM) throughout the county that range in scale, complexity, and type. The management of these assets is currently overseen by the Maintenance and Development Division, however, their staff […]
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This collaborative project between PALS students, and representatives from M-NCPPC, Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR), Prince George’s County began as a data analysis effort. We were to analyze existing data from M-NCPPC, Department of Parks and Recreation for insights into how hosted events and rental facilities impact the economics of Prince George’s County as […]
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Through its Department of Parks and Recreation, Prince George’s County is looking for ways to improve community health by developing a mobile application to aid in physical and mental wellness. This application will be used as a tool to promote and track the use of parks, trails, and open space and the reported impacts on […]
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Prince George’s County Parks & Recreation builds, operates, and maintains a number of facilities with significant lifespans. To better understand the impact of capital investment and building code changes that might lead to reducing long term operating costs, the Department seeks a comparative analysis using available utilities usage data from six large, well established facilities. […]
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Prince George’s County Parks & Recreation (PGDPR) uses an enterprise asset management (EAM) system and work order processing system operated jointly with other jurisdictions. While the system has been in use for some time, user adoption has been a challenge. To promote greater user adoption and data quality, the county asked the project team to […]
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The Parks and QUEST team provided recommendations for increasing engagement in the Eyes Have It Initiative with a focus on identifying application barriers for parks and trades staff for M-NCPPC by creating a customer definition chart to better visualize and understand the main points within the current Eyes Have It application cycle process flow for […]
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The group of students provided recommendations to M-NCPPC Parks to develop a pollinator plant selection guide for three stormwater management facilities: a parking lot island, a building foundation planting, and an open field. The selection guide included site information for three types of plantings (proper use of stormwater control measures and viewpoints) and plant use […]
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The Prince George’s County Department of Parks and Recreation runs numerous programs to serve senior citizens. This includes programs ranging from intellectual and physical engagement to social services and healthcare-related programs. Due to the pandemic and enforcement of social distancing protocols, the county has moved most of its services online. The Department of Parks and […]
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The goal for this project was to create the early stages of a web development project for the Prince George’s County Parks and Recreation Department. Our team created the initial wireframe designs, identified problems for future aspects of the project, and provided recommendations for the next stages of development. The original project requirements included developing […]
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