Traffic And Pedestrian Safety In State College

COMM 473 students in previous semesters studied the safety issues along Atherton Street in State College, in particular focusing their research and work on pedestrian and bicycle safety. In fall 2016, students developed a Public Relations Campaign “Drive with Care/Walk Aware” with the goal to raise awareness amongst pedestrians and drivers of safety practices in […]

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State College Borough Pedestrian And Bicycle Safety Campaign

COMM 471 students will continue building off past work by communications students by implementing a public relations campaign that was designed in Fall 2016 to raise awareness amongst pedestrians and drivers on safety practices around crosswalks. Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner. Sustainable Communities Collaborative Contact Info University Faculty Contact […]

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Stand For State Messaging Strategies

COMM 473 students in previous semesters studied the safety issues along Atherton Street in State College, in particular focusing their research and work on pedestrian and bicycle safety. In fall 2016, students developed a Public Relations Campaign “Drive with Care/Walk Aware” with the goal to raise awareness amongst pedestrians and drivers of safety practices in […]

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Compost Program Marketing For The State College Borough

Building on past research from an SCC project in spring 2015, students will create a marketing plan to increase the sale of borough compost to residents and businesses. The plan will include possible channels for sales and marketing materials. Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner. Sustainable Communities Collaborative Contact Info […]

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