Program Development Vista with the Boys and Girls Club of Lexington (2018-20)

VISTA members make a full time, yearlong commitment to uphold the program priorities of poverty alleviation, capacity building, sustainable solutions, and community empowerment. VISTA members work to build capacity at community partner sites so those organizations can fulfill their mission with greater efficiency and impact. At Boys and Girls CLub of lexington, VISTA Member Latara […]

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Working Towards Equity and Inclusion through Historic District Development

We believe that historic preservation should reflect the diversity of our history and communities, in order to recognize the contributions that underrepresented groups have made to our history and city. Currently, most of the City’s landmarks and historic districts are located in areas of the city which have traditionally had a greater awareness of planning […]

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Evaluation of Intercultural Specialist Program

To conduct a formative evaluation of the Intercultural Specialist program for Eastern Carver County School District Community Education. Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner. Resilient Communities Project Contact Info University Faculty Contact Zobeida Bonilla Public Health Local Government / Community Contact Jackie Johnston […]

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Language Access Policy Implementation

To ensure residents have access to services and information, Bellevue has operated “Mini City Hall” at the Crossroads Shopping Center. This location is a fully-equipped satellite office, specializing in personalized customer services and outreach to Bellevue’s diverse population. Services are provided in eight languages and staff are available to provide information and assistance to visitors […]

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Public Engagement with Diverse Communities in Medford

This report begins with a summary of some important context for the project, including a brief history of Latino settlement patterns in Medford and key demographic data. In the next section, we describe the methods and strategies we used to plan and execute our outreach event. It is our hope that the methodology described in […]

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Culturally-Appropriate Crisis Interventions

This project was completed as part of the 2018-2019 Resilient Communities Project ( partnership with Ramsey County. This project was completed as part of the 2018-2019 Resilient Communities Project ( partnership with Ramsey County. Ramsey County Behavioral Health provides comprehensive mental health and chemical health services to children and adults, many of whom lack access […]

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Culturally-Appropriate Crisis Interventions

This project was completed as part of the 2018-2019 Resilient Communities Project ( partnership with Ramsey County. Ramsey County Behavioral Health provides comprehensive mental health and chemical health services to children and adults, many of whom lack access to treatment. A substantial number of Karen refugees–a minority ethnic group from Burma’s eastern border along Thailand–have […]

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Equity and Opportunity Mapping Analysis

The University of Oregon’s GIScience 2 students collaborated with the City of Albany, Oregon, to gather, organize, synthesize, and map geospatial information. Albany is interested in better understanding the segregation patterns of underrepresented demographic populations like racial/ethnic minority groups, low income individuals or families, people with disabilities, and seniors. GIS students used these potential segregation […]

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Equity and Opportunity Mapping Analysis

The University of Oregon’s GIScience 2 students collaborated with the City of Albany, Oregon, to gather, organize, synthesize, and map geospatial information. Albany is interested in better understanding the segregation patterns of underrepresented demographic populations like racial/ethnic minority groups, low income individuals or families, people with disabilities, and seniors. GIS students used these potential segregation […]

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Inclusive Public Participation: Outreach to the Latino Community in the Redmond Area

The City of Redmond has experienced rapid growth in its Latino population since 2000, and the city is working to improve communication with and services for the Latino community. Realizing the need to better reach out to the Latino community, Redmond sought the assistance of Dr. Gerardo Sandoval’s Public Participation in Diverse Communities class. Graduate […]

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