Study of Preparation for Emergencies and Disasters in Auburn

This course will conduct a situation analysis of Auburn residents’ understanding of the risks of natural and man-made disasters, and propose policy and program interventions to improve disaster preparedness. Proposals will include policy and programs that address both individual and community-level components as well as best practices in relation to cultural competence. Read the final […]

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Livability Synthesis

This course builds on the work of several fall quarter projects, including the Connectivity Element for Comprehensive Plan and Community Place-Making, and integrates, advances or deepens the findings of those projects. Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner. Livable City Year Contact Info Teri Thomson Randall Program Manager 206.221.9240 University […]

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Bellevue Design Review Image Catalogue

There is opportunity to design innovative, scalable solutions to some of the challenges facing the city in sustainable, meaningful performance outcomes — in particular, the BelRed district, which is facing significant change with the construction of light rail. Focusing on the BelRed District, but with potential application toward other neighborhoods as well, review and develop […]

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Thea Foss Peninsula Manufacturing and Industrial Futures Study

The Thea Foss Peninsula is an historic center of the City’s maritime industrial waterfront. The area has a direct connection and proximity to Downtown Tacoma, via the Murray Morgan Bridge (11th street); relic maritime structures; chemical storage and transport facilities; limited deep water access for shipping; as well as significant vacant lands and mixed-use water […]

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City of Tacoma Innovation Laboratory

The Tacoma Municipal Building, while a beautiful historic landmark, needs to create work spaces that complement the way individuals and departments work, engage, and collaborate. Money has been budgeted and a number of spaces have been allocated for innovation labs and breakout rooms throughout the building. A creative vision and design for each of these […]

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Marketing Awareness of City Values

The purpose of this project is to increase awareness of the city’s values – created from the “Imagine Auburn” project – both internally among government workers and externally among citizens. Through the implementation of the marketing plan a greater feeling of community will be created in Auburn. Read the final student report delivered to the […]

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Connectivity Element for Comprehensive Plan

The purpose of a connectivity element is for the city to be more strategic in its efforts to physically, socially, culturally, and economically connect Auburn. This project includes a problem assessment, mapping exercise, and development of suggestions for code updates and infrastructure improvements for physical connectivity. The deliverable will be provided in a format resembling […]

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Community Engagement Strategy for Residents of Multi-Family Housing

The goal of criminal prosecution is to seek justice, but that goal is undermined if decisions regarding charging, plea offers, and sentencing are impacted by implicit bias against a defendant’s race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, sexual orientation or other demographic markers. This project will gather data from the City Attorney’s Office and its criminal justice partners […]

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