Budget Book Evaluation

New technology related to unmanned aerial systems (UAS or drones), has significant implications across many platforms (privacy, federal laws, state laws, property laws, safety, etc.), coupled with licensing and registration requirements. This project would help develop, identify, and analyze the implications of using drones to support city services, in order to determine whether the city […]

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Improving Walkability in Northeast Bellevue

In March 2018, Parks and Community Services implemented a new recreation program registration system which allows customers to view and register for programs and is accessible on all mobile devices. With this new system, along with other systems in place, the city is looking to develop customizable program brochures to better serve our online customers. […]

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Assessment of Auburn Task Force on Homelessness Recommendations

In November 2015, Mayor Nancy Backus convened Auburn’s task force on Homelessness. They developed a list of recommendations and consensus items on how to address the city’s current condition of homelessness that will be brought to the city council. The overarching purpose of this project is to engage students in assessing these recommendations and developing […]

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Addressing Implicit Bias in the Prosecution of Cases

Identifying and addressing implicit bias in the prosecution of misdemeanor cases by the City Attorney’s Office in the Tacoma Municipal court. Prosecutors are not immune from implicit bias. As gatekeepers of the criminal justice system, prosecutors can be part of the problem – as well as the solution. If prosecutors are not aware of their […]

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Sewer Utility Wastewater Discharge Behaviors

Improper disposable of fats, oils, and grease (FOG) and “flushable” cleaning wipes can cause clogging issues, and improper disposable of pharmaceuticals can cause downstream environmental issues. Greater amounts of FOG and rags have been identified downstream of large areas of rental housing than of single family residences. The aim of this project will be to […]

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Incentives for Establishment of more Healthy Food Alternatives to more Sections of the City

In 2015, Mayor Backus formed the Blue Ribbon Committee with the goal of transforming Auburn into the healthiest city in Washington by 2020. This was in response to a King County assessment, conducted earlier that year, that revealed that Auburn had low rankings for many health determinants including obesity and diabetes. In alignment with the […]

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Food Truck Program

Food trucks have become increasingly popular in recent years and can be complicated from a regulatory standpoint (vehicles and food services establishments). The city is interested in evaluating and developing citywide food truck best practices. This program would include any nuanced differences between centers (Downtown, Crossroads, Factoria) as well as special events. Development of best […]

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Preventable Causes of Structure Fire Awareness & Education

Focus awareness and education efforts to preclude fires that are easily preventable, focusing on the most effective methods that capture citizens’ attention and prompt them to take action. Review of our data about structure fires and identify the preventable causes and focus education and awareness efforts, based on cause and locations. Also identify the most […]

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