Adapting Tree Co-Benefit Calculators with the Greater Baltimore Wilderness Coalition


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Through their work with the National Center for Smart Growth at the University of Maryland (UMD), the Maryland Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) commissioned this report from the university’s Partnership for Action Learning in Sustainability (PALS). PALS works with local jurisdictions throughout Maryland to identify projects and problems that can be taught through university courses where students focus on developing innovative, research-based solutions. Greater Baltimore Wilderness Coalition (GBWC) and Maryland Department of Natural Resources are seeking a comprehensive review of the benefits (both environmental and non-environmental) that planting trees can provide to the Baltimore County region. The intent of the research is to provide GBWC with information that will aid in the creation of a tool/calculator that outlines the benefits tree planting provides within the county and encourages private landowners to do so. This report centers obtaining is on the lesser-known benefits of trees, such as improvement to the physical and mental health of individuals which is lacking in currently available tree co-benefit calculators.

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