Addressing Food Deserts and Park Equity in Southeast San Diego

Norah Shultz


Community Size
Course Title
Sociology 796
Course Letter Acronym
Course Number
Project Lead Faculty
Norah Shultz

With the support of the San Diego State University (SDSU) Sage Project, the San Diego Urban Sustainability Coalition, and the previous research done by SDSU Sociology 407 students, Sociology 796 student researchers worked to analyze prominent concerns of the Southeast San Diego community. Based on these primary concerns, SOC 796 student researchers then worked to address these issues through community engagement suggestions, and potential collaboration with the San Diego Energy Equity Campus. Based on surveys conducted by SOC 407, it was concluded that prominent concerns in Southeast San Diego were in relation to food deserts, disagreement with education fund distribution, and lack of park equity. Therefore, student researchers looked into why these issues were at the forefront and the different ways that could potentially be perpetuating inequality and preventing social and economic growth. After analyzing prominent concerns, focus shifted to how we could address these issues in ways that were both sensitive and timely, yet still allowed for cultivation, community, and community engagement. The final part of this report suggests ways in which the San Diego Energy Equity Campus could work to address these primary concerns of community members. The suggestions and recommendations are enclosed within this report.

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