Advanced Cartography: Parks Mapping in Albany


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In order to aid the City of Albany’s Park and Recreation Department (P&R) in the creation and visualization of their 2017 P&R Master Plan and to help serve the growing population, Albany partnered with the Sustainable City Year Program (SCYP) at the University of Oregon. SCYP students strive to aid the Parks and Recreation Department in e ectively showing areas of access, opportunity, and amenities across Albany.
P&R hopes to expand funding to areas that may serve greater areas of the population while the City of Albany hopes to connect riverfront parks and amenities with other areas of the city by means of trails and bike networks. They also hope to utilize the results produced by students to analyze areas for increased funding to promote usage by the public.
In order to help visualize accessibility, cost, and location variables, the City of Albany collaborated with an Advanced Cartography class at the University of Oregon, to nd ways to seamlessly present large amounts of information in one layout. By utilizing basic design principles, the students worked with ArcMap and Adobe Illustrator to e ectively portray existing and proposed trails, park locations, maintenance costs, and accessibility, and recreation center access.City of Albany P&R sought to visualize recreation facilities within the city in order to help increase accessibility for the growing population. The students used parks and recreation data to map existing amenities as well as possible areas for growth and funding. Students mapped recreation trail systems, as well as parks, recreation centers, and park and facility maintenance costs. Students used cartographic principles to e ectively display the parks and recreation amenities for the P&R Master Plan.

Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner.

Sustainable City Year Program Contact Info
Megan Banks
Sustainable City Year Program Manager
(541) 346-6395

University Faculty Contact
James Meacham

Local Government / Community Contact
Ed Hodney

Parks & Recreation Director

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