Analyzing the costs and benefits of the Wausau ByBlock Project

Jordan Van Rijn


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Practicum for Applied Economists
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Project Lead Faculty
Jordan Van Rijn

Plastic, an epochal human invention, is now emerging as an environmental challenge. According to the data provided by the UN Environment Program, an annual discharge of 19 to 23 million tons of plastic waste clogs ecosystems, and equivalent to a volume commensurate with 2000 fully loaded garbage trucks. The indiscriminate disposal of plastic poses a threat to global water bodies, such as oceans, rivers, and lakes at risk of congestion.

This urgency makes it significant of developing recycling methods to address the challenges posed by plastic pollution. A noteworthy initiative in this regard is a startup company located in Los Angeles, known as ByFusion. ByFusion is actively seeking collaboration with the government of Wausau to establish a new facility in this region. The purpose of this report is to assist the Wausau government analyzing the costs and benefits associated with partnering with ByFusion. The aim is to determine the financial feasibility of initiating the ByBlock project in the area.

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