Budget Book Evaluation


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New technology related to unmanned aerial systems (UAS or drones), has significant implications across many platforms (privacy, federal laws, state laws, property laws, safety, etc.), coupled with licensing and registration requirements. This project would help develop, identify, and analyze the implications of using drones to support city services, in order to determine whether the city should proceed to engage the public and policymakers about potential public use. The city would benefit from evaluation and assessment of current trends, and recommendations for public engagement strategies and policy language for the use of drones within the city, including lessons learned from other local government entities that have already employed this technology.

Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner.

Livable City Year Contact Info
Teri Thomson Randall
Program Manager

University Faculty Contact
Sharon Kioko
Public Policy and Governance
Asssociate Professor
(206) 221-6356

Local Government / Community Contact
Kate Henry
Budget | Finance and Asset Management

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