Background: The coronavirus infectious disease (COVID – 19), which started in late 2019, was found to be caused by the SARS – CoV – 2 virus. The samples collected were from three age categories – below 18, 18 – 49 years and 50 and above. The Delhi government is likely to conduct another sero survey from October 1 to assess the prevalence of antibodies. This virus has already infected hundreds of thousands of people and led to tens of thousands of unclaimed deaths, with the numbers still rising quickly as of this writing, affecting essentially every country whole around the world. Persons infected with SARS – CoV – 2 present with a wide range of symptoms similar to other respiratory infections (e.g., fever, cough, and shortness of breath) or may be silent killer or transporters and carriers. Communal spread of COVID – 19 is a major concern. The availability of a cost – effective, rapid point – of – care diagnostic test available to doctors in emergency rooms, clinics, and community hospitals is critical and highly remarkable issue. These diagnostics enable frontline workers/ worriers to triage patients simply and to prevent further spread of the virus. Unlike convalescent plasma, the supply of monoclonal antibodies isn’t dependent on blood donations and can be scaled up to potentially reach more and more people. A single infusion of its monoclonal antibody – a manufactured copy of an antibody produced by a patient who recovered from Covid – 19 treatment – was shown to drastically reduce levels of the coronavirus in newly infected patients and lower the likelihood of requiring hospitalization. The “Role of Nanotechnology” community can contribute significantly in the fight against COVID – 19. Nanomaterials have been used for a number of research objectives and targets for the nanotechnology civic the development of point – of – care diagnostics, carriers for therapeutics, and multilevel – model as methodological approach for vaccine development podium/ platform. “COVID – 19 Negative Effects on Human Beings as Loss of Lives, but Positive Effects on Natural Environment as Increase in Air; Water, Noise and Land Quality on Environmental Part is that “Pollution Levels” has also been Reduced Tremendously”.

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