Cultural Asset Mapping


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This document outlines work done by graduate students in the Public Folklore and Cultural
Programming course in the Arts & Administration Department during the Winter term 2010 and provides recommendations to the Gresham Redevelopment Commission for further study. The objective of this work was to build community identity in the Rockwood neighborhood
by beginning the process of collecting the cultural assets important to Rockwood residents.
Throughout the term the graduate students met with local community leaders in Rockwood to
discuss previous community building initiatives and their issues. This information allowed us to understand what problems arise when trying to begin a fully inclusive community planning process.

Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner.

Sustainable City Year Program Contact Info
Megan Banks
Sustainable City Year Program Manager
(541) 346-6395

University Faculty Contact
John Fenn

Local Government / Community Contact
Nick Fleury

SCI Program Manager

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